The No Key Challenge is BACK (This one is Crazy) – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! THE NO KEY CHALLENGE IS BACK! It’s been a while since we have done this but we finally found a new strategy! And this one is crazy… ENJOY!

Disclaimer: DON’T use bugs in multiplayer with people you don’t know. You can get reported and banned. Use at your own risk.

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


46 thoughts on “The No Key Challenge is BACK (This one is Crazy) – Phasmophobia”

  1. If I was the developer for this game, I don’t think I would ever make the no key challenge impossible with the ghost interaction because this shows where bugs are in a very efficient manner

  2. Wait could you use the mannequin to block the ghost during a hunt, like you go into a room, and they put the mannequin as a barricade, could the ghost go through it?

  3. So in VR you can pretty consistently phase through doors and walls, making the no key challenge pretty easy to pull off. All you need to do is place yourself against a door/wall then move physically towards the door/wall a couple steps before then using your stick to move in game.

  4. Big question would be can you glitch the ghost out of the house, and if that is the case can you put it in the truck stuck behind an invisible wall and keep it as a pet.

  5. 9:00 Your sanity shouldn't be completely stuck.
    Last time I tried this, the mirror drained the sanity.
    I also played with custom draining settings as well which should completely halt your passive sanity drain completely.

    I know that it was once that way but I think that's not up-to-date info.

  6. 13:30 You can grab an item that's stuck in there from between the boxes, when you look towards the stairs.
    There's a small gap between the boxes and you can grab the item that way.

    Source: A friend has thrown the DOTS there once and we needed it.

  7. 23:00 The ghost actually exists on the same position normally as during an event or a hunt, so unless the hunt resets him to a non-idle state, the last position where the ghost was should remain that position.

    That and the ghost absolutely does not move. So getting salt should be tricky unless you know where he is or trigger a change in state.

  8. there is glich where you can pass trough items if they are "deleated" from the game files, or something like that.
    Not sure how it works, but it did happen when I reinstaled visual studions on my PC.
    This glich alows you to pass trough any "deleted" item from game, work in multyplayer,
    you can also pass trough walls and some maps are broken becouse they have foundation, and you cant walk up,
    Any buggded item becomes PINK

  9. You can do any map any time with vr. Walk forward in real life, don't move with left thumb stick until you're where you want to be. If you don't have enough space in front of you you can go as far as you can then rotate with right thumb stick and move again.

  10. It would be very interesting if you made a video showing the best and worst RNG you've had in a game.
    Best RNG being if you enter the house and you can almost instantly determine what ghost it is
    Worst RNG being its just not doing anything at all and it takes you way too long to figure it out

  11. I actually hate that the devs patch niche stuff like this. Like yeah it's a glitch, but you're never gonna do this on accident, and it's fun for veteran players. I was the most upset when they took away teddy bear collision 🙁

  12. Insym is to Phasmaphobia as Josh from Let's Game it out and Spiff from Spiffing Brit is to any other game. According to one of the clauses of Murphy's Law, "If you make something 'idiot-proof', a 'better' idiot will come along." Not calling Insym an idiot, but Insym; you're the 'better idiot' to the Phasmo devs at this point. You and Psycho.


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