The Phasmophobia Fake

Welcome to Horror Squad… the game that looks like Phasmophobia but isn’t. In this video, I cover all the ways that Horror Squad attempts to look and feel like Phasmophobia, but just isn’t. Tell me what you think in the comments – are they trying to ride the coat tails of Phasmophobia? Are they hoping to pick up some of Phasmophobia’s fan base with a game that looks and feels like Phasmophobia but isn’t? If you’ve tried this game, let me know what you thought of it. Did you enjoy it?

As always, thanks for watching my videos! Let me know what you’d like to see more of!

#phasmophobia #horrorsquad #horrorsquadgame


14 thoughts on “The Phasmophobia Fake”

  1. Chicky! This game looked fun at first but then OF COURSE THERE’S A RITUAL so just of that I ain’t buying it😤

    Monday meme review: body gets yeeted at chicky
    Chicky: AHHH no My cloths got dirty it’s the end of the worllld!!
    Game recommendations: Also chicky you should try games like
    (In silence)
    (Dead by daylight)
    (Reiko’s fragments)
    They are all fun multiplayer!


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