► More Phasmophobia HERE: http://bit.ly/SarkVsPhasmo ◄
Chipping away at the mountain of Phasmo that we’ve streamed. I love this game.
Social Media:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themrsark
Second Channel: bit.ly/SarkVault
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sark
Instagram: https://instagram.com/master_sark
Diction: https://www.twitch.tv/diction
APL: https://www.twitch.tv/aplfisher
Bruce: https://www.twitch.tv/brucegreene
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound
‘Jab’ – Mike Koenig
License: CC Attribution 3.0
‘wooshs 04 (medium)’ – toyoto
License: CC Attribution 3.0
‘Strange Mechanical Stinger’ – CineScore
Additional effects courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Our savior returns to us!
If any Sark fans here aren't aware, Sark streams every Friday and some Tuesdays on his Twitch channel. If you love this mans content, be a legend and go give him a follow or sub to become one of Sark's privates. Streams are always fun and the chat is great!
The guy at the start 😂
Thank you, papa!
Phasmophobia is back! I’ve been so excited to see more of this.
You are my favorite youtuber I have been enjoying all your csgo videos
I’ve missed you xoxox
Love you Sark you're a legend keep giving us fire contenttt
I love sark so much bro
Love you dad
Woah this is cool!
The muffled scream at 3:27 made me proper lol
Damn, those ghosts are a bunch of arseholes.
I need him everyday
Yes Sark is back!!!
This was one of the best phasmo sessions along with competitive phasmo when sark finally counter-trolled
The lord gives us sark. It is a good day
I miss these videos they were great.
Been a while mr sark 🙂 "Kept ya waitin, huh?"
more phasmo pls
Yes I needed this today. it's been an absolute shit day
36 min of that good oll phasmo… weekend cant get any better!
I love how Bruce is doing his best impression of a goddamn parrot – like: GAWK-GAWK PATRICIA WILLIAMS! PATRICIA WILLIAMS! GAWK-GAWK ARSEHOLE! ARSEHOLE ARSEHOLE!
He returns!
Yup im happy seeing his name in my feed. Its like a kid and a candy store feeling. Wb pappa.
All hail papa Sark!!!
I love these series 🙏
12:49 what was that classic sark sound effect for??