Welcome back to Phasmophobia! LISA IS BACK! The story of Lisa continues and it was once again amazing! I can’t wait to see what happens next… I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.2
I’m glad I’m not the only one that has interesting experiences with Lisa LOL
So maybe you would like to try this alternate speedrun I came up with…
Recently I had a Demon destroy me in Edgefield in under 4 minutes (professional, not nightmare). So i came up with the Ghost's Speedruns challenge to see if any other ghost could kill me faster. The rules are as follows:
You must use any equipment you like to try and discover the ghost type and complete all objectives
You can't use the Ouija board
You must use the breaker and lights to preserve your sanity where you would normally be doing so (no running around in the dark on purpose unless you would normally be running around in the dark, i.e.. looking for orbs with camera perhaps)
You must attempt to use the crucifix to prevent hunts if its an objective
You must smudge the ghost during a hunt if its an objective
You can NOT hide, but you must try and escape via looping
You can't use pills
Time is "Total time investigating", not just from opening the front door
It seems kind of dumb, but its actually so much fun and trying to find something aggressive enough to get under that 4 minute mark is awesome. I've had a couple of raijus come close at 6 minutes, but nothing is quite as impressive as that demon.
Who is the women that is half human and half ghost at the start of his videos?
Technically you could say the green tent is a “no bone zone” lol don’t ban me.
yay lisa is back … and then she wants to shower with you too XD XD XD
Joe Goldberg has nothing in Lisa. She’s following people from the other side! 😂
need a lisa counter for streams lmao
Ouuu I love Lisa
At least she's not stinky, wanting to take showers lol
Please do not say the s word or the f word or I can’t watch your videos
one time my friends and i were playing on tangle wood amateur and the ghost roamed, do you know how rare it is to roam on amateur?
Hmmmm future couples?!?!??
I feel like your relationship with Lisa is progressing nicely, she is now willing to shower with you before trying to kill you 😄
I hid in the little tent and got murdered… I will never trust the tents again.
so is that lisa beside you in your intro? already settling in together i see….
What did I miss? How did he know Lisa touched the door? Lol he just got in the truck
You dint find Lisa, Lisa finds you
“Lisa wants to be found” sounds like an anime
Insym is waiting for the new item to drop in the constant search for Lisa: the paranormal-only fans detector
What’s Lisa?
Wow, your relationship with Lisa is gettin serious:
– she showers in front of you
– she poops in front of you
– she comes back when you call her
– she tries to get in the tent with you…
On that last one, maybe she was trying to help you find YOUR bone lol :p
Should just make a Lisa playlist