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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9
What's your favorite Tier 3 item?
The Tier 2 Dots are king while the Tier 3 Dots are a let down. I believe the T3 is too unreliable at times and seems to only work through sheer luck. The ghost already has a low chance to do dots, and with the potential of having a dots projector only being aimed at them 50% of the time is a downgrade.
YES! I feel so validated watching this, heh. 🙂 I never bother with a thermo above Tier 1, and I kept taking the glowstick for ages. I did eventually warm up to Tier 3, but Tier 2 UV is total trash, and in groups I generally prefer to bring both Tiers 1 & 3 if possible. The big flashlight is good to toss on a table aimed at a window or door if you're watching the cams for evidence, while the glowstick is great to toss down up close for AoE coverage when you're trying to take photos, especially of salt piles.
howd i nerf the tier 1s: reduce the glowstick range so it doesn't hit the doorway fingerprints, limited shake amount before it stops working. make the tier 1 thermo randomly decide a new temp 3 units below or above the actual temp (id say decided every second or so), also id make tier 3 always show exact temp, or have it only be a decimal based difference
My favorite tier 3 item is broccoli. What's yours?
i forgot to comment did you just know figure it out some tier 3 items are fucking dog shit like the uv and the thermo
19:20 – The ghost actually threw the camera right there. 😄
It could be nice if the tier 3 thermo would have multiple probes that can track micro temp adjustments, so you could put it around the house and track the ghosts roaming, thereby also figure out if the ghost is coming and maybe where it started hunts from. I think that would complete the tiers better.
Then for tier 3 UV flashlight, it could be an attachment to normal flashlights, so you could switch between UV and normal mode with the click of a button. You never want both to be on at the same time anyway, not even for photocam. See how many clicks you had to do to charge up the fingy, flip over to camera, turn off the flashlight and then take a photo. It would be a nice quality of life thing
tier 3 uv could be like the tier 3 dots and be a wide cone of light, so it gets the width of tier 1 and the range of tier 2. plus not being a ashlight shape would mean it shouldnt roll
what if the tier 3 range is what the tier 1 range is supposed to be?
Anyone know how to use text for the spirit box when in VR? The monkey paw a menu shows up. The ouija board a menu shows up. The spirit box….nothing.
Hold up, Is UV Footprints actually evidence now? 10:10
My beef. Is the spirit boxes, ALL 3 tiers! I have a rather DEEP voice…. Never hears my voice any which way. I have a great mic and all that…. Just does not work with my voice
I disagree, since I feel using the thermo to find the ghost room is almost useless. If I use the thermo I want to determine if it is actually freezing, and tier 3 is better for that. As for the uv light, you can literally just drop it on the ground and it lights up a larger area than the glow stick.
Thermo rn is nothing compared to beta thermo
Also tier 1 is not even electronic so it benefits a lot on not making raiju run fast
Me and a friend had a thaye that showed kitchen/dining on mirror and than Temps moved to utility and than moved to living room where it proceeded to hunt from. When we checked stats it didn't change favorite room. We were on intermediate. I still don't know what happend
In the first game, you probably also were hunted quicker because you looked at the phantom multiple times
I've said the same about the T1 Thermo. It's very reliable IMO.
Absolutely have seen the Tanglewood kitchen/dining room temperature bug. Also am totally with you on tier 1 thermo versus tier 3. Tier 1 is actually pretty OP.
Also don't use tier 3 is the DOTS projector. I find it totally ironic that you are supposed to listen to the small and remote sounds then they give you the tier 3 DOTS projectors which literally drown out all other noises that aren't loud. All you hear is the damned motor of the DOTS projector. So I always roll with tier 2 DOTS. Now if when they change the tier 3 to a selectable stationary mode if they shut the damned motor noise off when it is stationary I would give it a try to see if it is worthwhile to go back to but as-is the tier 3 DOTS just isn't worth it for all of the lost audio feedback of the game.
The tier 3 DOTS is even more ironic figuring that the tier 3 motion sensors also move around and don't make hardly any noise at all. I have also taken to using the tier 2 headset as well versus tier 3 because I like the fact that it just gives a bit of extra light which is all I need versus having to go through the whole put it down-put it up graphic time delay of tier 3. Situational for sure though as I'm sure there are points where the tier 3 headset will be worth it.
As far as favorite tier 3 item I think I will have to go with EMF detector. Just insanely useful for knowing where the item is that got moved or interacted with and not just the one source but three sources.
I think Tier 3 should show the temperature without holding any button
I t hink the T3 video cam is awful, it blocks the light from head light when you are using video cam for orbs
Is footprints a 100% possibility when the ghost have UV evidence?
I think for balance the glow stick should have an even more horrible charging range, so you cant drop it at the bottom of doors. It will instantly let you know you've got UV evidence, but be cumbersome to get certain photos with.
Another benefit of the glow stick is in multilayer your teem mates can see the same glow as you. With the flashlights there is significant desync
I think Motion Sensor tier 2 is better than tier 3 for me. I can't ever really understand the tier 3 Motion Sensor, and the V-shape of tier 2 Motion Sensor is really all I need. Smudge Sticks tier 1 are USUALLY best. I am going to try the tier 3 Motion Sensor technique Insym describes here, though. I didn't know about that. That seems useful.