They did ANOTHER New Update & IT'S AMAZING! – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE

THEY DID ANOTHER NEW UPDATE for Phasmophobia! This is such an awesome change! I cannot wait to play on stream today. We’re going to explore everything! I really hope to see you there! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

I stream every day on
Livestream VODS:

Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.0


34 thoughts on “They did ANOTHER New Update & IT'S AMAZING! – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE”

  1. see now this is what they should have done in the first place, this is a huge step forward for this game and am excited to see the rest. congratz to the devs for pushing out a update that makes me excited to see what else they are planning for

  2. I feel like Asylum and High School needs some love now because you technically cannot hide anywhere. You just have to hop in a room and pray. Doors were pretty much the only hiding spots so if the ghost checks them, too bad so sad for you lol

  3. Just checked out all the maps and all the hiding spots. It's cool. Love some of the changes. Definitely going to play phas again now. Didn't feel like ever playing it again after the last update but i'm happy now.

  4. I thought that's bugfix, not real patch! After work I was so tired, I opened Phasma to relax, Tanglewood. As usual I was looking for light switcher in garage, but there was no garage 😀 I thought I worked too much. My brain wasn't ready not to find the garage door in the kitchen 😀 I was scared as at the first game)))

  5. Idea I got: after the average sanity drops bellow a certain percentage let's say 20%, the ghost has a small percentage of chance let's say 25% of removing a hiding spot every one or two minutes meaning the longer you take, the less hiding spots you have therefore less chance of survival. Percentages should change depending on the difficulty.


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