Join Chemical Apes as we play Phasmophobia, the ghost hunting horror game that will leave you terrified, screaming and more. We kit up with EMF readers, …
😭o.. oh w why I am crying? W well its so nice to see Ben grow up I remember watching your subnauitca guides since you only had 5k subs and… well now he's all grown up and he will forever continue to even more and more I'm proud of you bud
There's a game that I've seen another youtuber play that's something about people that fell asleep get taken over by demons and only you and some other teens were able to wake up. It's crazy but I only saw like 1 video on it but it was so good! If I figure out the name I'll let you know. Maybe you'd be interested in it.
Notice: getimagesize(): Error reading from /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2024/04/High-Priestess-Surprise-Phasmophobia.jpg! in /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/plugins/recent-posts-widget-extended/classes/class-image-resizer.php on line 111
Keep it up man
U make good videos, i might get this game looks fun
ur subnautica vid helped me thanks
I miss u playing against reapers😭
This video was fun to make with Ben
25 days too early
Oh yea
Bro let's go man I click on this cuz this game is really good thanks for playing and I'm still waiting for 1 million subs.
You should consider streaming
can we make this a new series?
Great vid this was crazy scary
Haha sure did make me laugh 😂 is it scarier than facing the reapers?
Love you man, I basically own you a platinum trophie for subnautica.
6:37 You walked right through him! He's the ghost!
😭o.. oh w why I am crying?
W well its so nice to see Ben grow up I remember watching your subnauitca guides since you only had 5k subs and… well now he's all grown up and he will forever continue to even more and more I'm proud of you bud
Stream so I can give you more money
I watched IGP play this so I’m super happy to see you play it
Hey man, glad to see you're still uploading! Your Subnautica tutorials are great, thanks!
Keep going bro you’ll hit 1 mil eventually
what the hell….
I have just started to watch you and I love your videos
There's a game that I've seen another youtuber play that's something about people that fell asleep get taken over by demons and only you and some other teens were able to wake up. It's crazy but I only saw like 1 video on it but it was so good! If I figure out the name I'll let you know. Maybe you'd be interested in it.