Can you guess the ghost? Part 37 Phasmophobia new update is coming soon! Can’t wait to see the new asylum called Sunny Meadows!
Nice vid Bush!
My favorite map is between Tanglewood and Willow Street!
I love Tanglebush! 7 and a half minutes into the map and I am thinking polty with everything its throwing. ( no evidence)
Kinda sad to see Asylum go; a lot of people are calling for changes to Prison and high school next. What are your thoughts?
I don't really like the bigger maps as much as the smaller maps. The map feels much more engaging and dangerous, which is why I think Tanglewood is the best.
Hey bush I’m confused, have they removed the possibility of a music box or voodoo doll spawning in tanglewood. I have played tanglewood like 100 times today and still haven’t got either of them.
Hey Bush! Marlena here. Great video! Hope to see you later on your stream. Take care. Like and subbed.
Good video man. Just listening to this video, it sounds like Tom DeLonge guest hosted a Ghost Adventures episode.
Thanks for this vid, I learned so many things in the first 10 mins!
Best guess is moroi. The ghost seemed to like the dark, which made you think it was a mare, but it moved at normal speed through the dark during the hunts; instead, it seemed like it got faster as your sanity dropped, which is consistent with a moroi. Not a spirit or poltergeist because those move at normal speeds; not a deogen because it moved at an average speed early on.
hey man this was a great video, keep it up i love watching you