This was soooo funny. Did anyone watch the stream?
#phasmophobia #toasttwerking #toast #corpsephasmophobia #amigops #corpse #corpsehusband #corpsegerd #corpsemusic #corpsesinging #corpsewhitetee #corpsetalking #corpseandbillieeilish #gerdcorpse #amongus #playingamongus #corpsememe #valkyrae #gaming #gamingclips #amongusclips #valkyrae #corpsevoice #corpseraspyvoice #corpsegerdvoice #corpseillness #sykkuno #egirlsareruiningmylife #corpseandsykkunofriendship #corpsekkuno #corpsememe
"Oh wait…"
Ghost comes

Corpse: Take Toast! Take Toast! Take Toast!
Toast dies
Corpse: shook & laughing
Sykkuno: Oh my GOD, Oh my GOD TOAST! OH JESUS!
Rae: We gotta get some evidence.
Sykkuno: Evidence?! It just killed Toast, what do you mean evidence?!
Now from the top, make it drop, that's some WAP, that's some WAP
Anything with these 4 make everything better
man i was in front of my parents while watching this live and was trying so hard not to snort spit out of my nose or something
Toast: literately getting fucked

Does anyone have a link to the full stream from corpse's pov?
The ghost must have been laughing so hard after this. Hahahah
1:22 the hiccup omg
This is actually the first time i saw a person getting choked animation in phasma
He did the WAP
The ghost was having a fun time…
I was laughing so hard about that! but Sykkuno is so innocent to think toast is twerking hahhaahha
i was CRYING at the stream omfg
If you watch the stream… You'll notice that everyone died at least once
Accept Corpse WTF ?!?!
Toast: dies
Sykkuno: casually walks away
I love that Corpse went silent, look at Sykkuno and start laughing
He was twerking and everyone knows it lol
what’s even funnier is I left the stream and when I joined back toast was throwin it back
When corpse said "GET FUCKED"and then corpse just realize what happen XD
I don't wanna see corpses actual face, I just wanna see him with a mask on, the eye patch, and his hair
the way Sykkuno and Corpse say "wah" at the beginning is so cute
I love how sykkuno explained it
When Corpse says get fucked you get fucked.
The ghost listened to CORPSE, he's/she's simping for CORPSE.
Ghost is a Corpse Husband simp
Toast: don't take me!! don't take me!!
Ghost: swiggity swooty im going for the booty
reminded of that video when toast actually twerked LMFAO and corpse's "oh wai- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" and his giggles
I will NEVER have enough of this. I rewatched this like ten times, finished the stream and rewatched another ten times. And now that I found this video, here we go again lmaooo
“Get fuc- oh wait”
Where did he stream this?
Dang, toast got some move even when he's dead!!
i watched on rae's stream so i didnt see this hakdjscjxj im choking-
Is It illegal that corpse laugh is contagious
I remember watching this stream at like 9:52 at night. When I saw Toast twerking, I couldn’t keep it together! My mom came in and I pretended like I was sleep talking!!! But omg this is hilarious!
The timings in this stream was just amazing
Them "does the ghost know our code? " : Babushka *ghost appears*
Corpse : "get fuc*ed" well toast starts twerking or you know the ghost quiet literally frocks him LMAOOO