Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do a challenge to reach level 6700! However this ghost was absolutely crazy. I still cannot believe the outcome of this match lol. Did you get it correct? I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.2
You didn't have to ask ouija board to know it's not a demon. You didn't have a freezing temperatures and fingerprints so it couldn't be this ghost 😉
Should we give him EMF boss
No, give him a glow stick and all of the sensors!
Finally people are learning how INSANE shades can be! For a few months now ALL of my shades have been absolutely crackheads they’re so good 🤣 we never rule out a shade based on high activity anymore…
6699, naise
spicy ghosty boy
Hey, Insym, Dusk has an interesting challenge idea I think you might like. Investigation mode. Basically, you go in and poke around without evidence items. Once you have an idea of what ghost it might be, you get the items needed to confirm your hypothesis.
This was an incredibly memorable video. This took me back to your LvL 200 game you did on this same map. I was really hoping for a demon because that's what you and your team figured out on that older video. Oh well, Shade it is. It was amazing how you ran past that ghost and escaped through the hallway. I thought you'd be dead for sure! Over a little more than a year this channel has grown tremendously. It's a great pleasure to have the opportunity to see these videos. I would not have experienced this game if I didn't have that opportunity. These developers love their game, and it makes the game feel so real and alive. You do them great justice with your gameplay and commentary. Pure joy.
26:49 "What if it's a shade? That would be hilarious."
Yes. Yes it would
Are the developers planning to change nightmare to allow 3 evidences? Nightmare seems like annoying mode instead of scary mode.
Shades are bonkers. I was playing and streaming in discord to my friend,and the ghost did a ghost event literally the second I stepped in the house, and another pretty soon after. Threw me off so hard, only to find out it was a shade afterwards.
Maybe you’re the ghost 🤯👻
I just love how Insym's mic cuts out whenever he's too loud, somehow that makes those screams even better hahaha
Level 6700 and doesn’t understand how Shades worked before the Friday update. Shades were no less aggressive when solo, only when there’s multiple people around. It just behaves like a standard ghost on solo because obviously there’s only one of you ever in the house.
Of course now they are true and committed to the shy behaviour since the Friday update, which is thematic but boring to play
Insym must have been tired making this. He knew theres no fingerprints which means no poltergeist and no demon. No freezing so no demon again. He knew it wasnt mare or even any speed altering ghosts. He could have ruled a lot more out than he realised.
…. are my eyes lying to me does that board sat shade!? 😳😳
Wow, that hunt at 18:30
(applause of approval) holy crap that was awesome!
I've had a few close calls like that and the adrenaline pumps so hard my soul leaves my body 😉
Way to go 🙂