This Hidden Ability is SOLVED! – Phasmophobia New Update

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we try to figure out how you can reliably get the Deogen Hidden Ability on the spirit box. By the end we actually figure out a really good method with Salt that worked almost all the time! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.2.1


31 thoughts on “This Hidden Ability is SOLVED! – Phasmophobia New Update”

  1. Instead of salt, could you use glow sticks to track the foot prints in addition to the motion sensors? Then if the ghost moves you can just move all the equipment.

  2. 1:10 I’m now imagining spooky Tom Nook with a Dutch accent.

    If you’re late on your payment, he just apperates behind you with a jump scare.

    “Listen <user>, do you hear for whom the bell tolls? It tolls for the <payment_amt> bells you owe by <payment_date>… boooooooo …”

  3. I have been finding ghosts jump between floors all the damn time lately. Usually the two rooms are above/below each other. It's like they fall through the floor, or float directly up.

  4. I FIGURED OUT WHY THE NOISE HAPPENS AFTER FOOTSTEPS! (Maybe) So the deogen is known to leave bloddy hand prints on cars (the foot steps) and then you'll hear the ghost of in the distance. (the screaming on the spirit box)
    edit: maybe thats why it roamed to the car bedroom??? maybe its not a bug but an ability!

  5. I've had it happen several times passively while the spirit box is turned on and on the floor. I'm not sure you are required to ask it anything for it to happen

  6. 3:35 Seems like you could avoid the "50-50" aspect of hiding from Deogen/Thaye by taking any precautions at all to prevent sanity loss before finding the ghost room, then trying to get spirit box evidence before you get hunted. If you can't get spirit box, you can be pretty sure that an extremely fast sounding ghost is not a Deogen and you can hide with confidence. Not instantly pulling a death card the second you enter the house would help as well lmao

  7. So I understand that the Deogen speed is based on distance from the player. But does it still increase from seeing the player over time as well like other ghosts, or no?
    My first Deogen was a cursed hunt, and I feel like it was getting faster with time, but in hindsight that might just be because nerves took over me, and I was running further from the ghost each time, which would have made it appear faster but really was just the distance thing.

  8. So one of my friends just bought this game and I was showing him the ropes.
    We went to willow, we found the Oija board I asked where the ghost is and we went to storage 1 in the basement.
    I handed him the spirit box to try (and scare him a bit) and he goes like
    "Are you here?"
    I burst out laughing XD XD XD

  9. If the devs really wanted to have fun with the players, they would make the Deo max speed if smudged. That would change smudging from "pointless" to "dangerous". Though I guess it would behave a bit like the Thaye in that case lol. Lore: effectively "blinds" the ghost, so he doesn't know how far he is from you, so zoom zoom.

  10. Try this for fun: smudge the ghost during a hunt then within the 5 second invincibility, try to get the unique spirit box response 😁

  11. I KNEW these ghosts could phase through the floor, at least on Willow! I got killed using the music box at the front door when the ghost was KNOWN to be in the basement. She just phased through the floor to break the box and start hunting on top of me. Never saw her once.

  12. Got a deo the other day. Super fun goes to play against. Kinda sucked that it managed to kill me through the wall as I was looping it between the garage and kitchen in Tanglewood. 🙁

  13. Dude, after watching this video, I'm wondering how the hell I got that response twice out of the three times I tried Spirit Box (only answered normally in the second use)

  14. 18:20 For the most part I disagree

    I think it depends on the map, on evidences collected, ghost room, your location, etc

    If it happens while you're on the second floor of Ridgeview, for example, you're done for

    But yes, there are some spots in which the Deo hunt isn't scary at all

    Dude this ghost must be a blast to find in Asylum!


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