This HIDDEN BUG will SAVE YOUR TEAM | Phasmophobia

The last Phasmophobia hotfix introduced a hilarious bug that will save your entire team if used right…

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36 thoughts on “This HIDDEN BUG will SAVE YOUR TEAM | Phasmophobia”

  1. This game was, in my opinion, so much better before this update, so many things have been broken, the hot fixes are fixing one thing at a time. Yet my main question is this……if this update was being dev tested and or tested by non devs, how are obvious bugs not being detected….I work in IT, this is step one, if you make a change, does it effect the output….if so, why and how to not make it do so. Why release a product that is not 100% polished…I know in the age of dlc's and whatnot, it's their out, but it is still annoying.

  2. Oh, that's it! I thought something felt strange with the sanity, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. I thought it was just because I'm not used to the new sanity system yet. xD

  3. It's been a god damn week since the hotfix and they still haven't patched it yet. Talk about incompetence. The game is only on steam so hotfixing is as easy as it can be. It's like they don't test any of the changes they make. It's at the very least disappointing

  4. It looks like to me the devs forgot to check both if the lights were on AND if the breaker was on as well. It only checks if the light switch is on for the sanity drain. This seems like a very simple bug and could probably easily be fixed within a few hours but we'll see what happens! 😅

  5. We found this when we were trying to lower sanity to get a hunt, but the ghost turned out the breaker and we were standing in the dark but the light switch was turned on. Was very confused why we still hadn't dropped any sanity and came to the conclusion it was a cheeky bug

  6. The only thing I noticed is that you turned on all the lights but the breaker remained off and even tho you were in the dark for 5~ minutes, the ghost didnt hunt once.
    After watching the explanation, I guess I was right.

  7. After you went in and flipped all the light switches and DIDN'T go to the breaker.. thats when I thought something was off 🤔 Didnt expect you to be at 100% at the end, but I was guessing in someway it was reducing your sanity drain.

  8. To optimize they probably just include a function that checks the lightswitch in the room is on and completely neglected to add a function to check if the breaker was on. This is a big oversight but is a very optimized way of doing sanity drain rather than doing complex calculations based off of available light.

    Im sure they will fix it in the next update by adding a function to check for breaker status as well as lightswitch position.

  9. As soon as you started flipping the light switches and not turning the breaker on I thought it must be a bug where it thinks the light is on so your sanity doesn't drop. I guess I find out what it is next since I wrote this up before watching the reveal 😛

    After watching the end I'm not surprised and I'm pretty sure I had this bug happen before and was very confused trying to get sanity to drop for the optional objective and couldn't figure out why sanity wasn't dropping.

  10. psycho giving some cool bug tips. hahahah thanks man. anyway just heard what happened to kinetic games with unity, thats so nasty what they did to cj and his phasmo team. cant believe unity decided to fcked themselves like that. they re getting killed with comments on their page after what they announced.


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