Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play on the hardest difficulty in Phasmophobia, which is obviously amateur mode. All jokes aside we actually found a way to make amateur mode harder than nightmare mode by using the setup time as a time limit. We only have 5 minutes to investigate and after that we MUST leave. Can we figure out the ghost? Let’s find out!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.1.5
I think if the timer did not end the moment you used a cursed object, then you could use the objects freely with no risk of a hunt. they remove the timer when you use an object because the ghost HAS to be able to hunt you for the cursed possessions to work as they should. rewarding, but with the possibility of being hunted. unless you want the Death card to not make a hunt? Or the heart pin to not trigger a hunt? Or the board breaking? That sort of thing. Though I do think they should allow the timer to stay if you use an object, but if you do something that triggers a cursed hunt, THEN the timer goes to 0. That'd be much more fair.
That $31 they made on that first run didn't even cover the cost of all the equipment did it?
I'm a new player and just wondering how can you tell its emf 5 in the activity level board?
I think using the Ouija Board and Mirror kill the timer because they explicitly reveal the location of the ghost, which defeats the purpose of needing a grace period on amateur. It would be worth doing some science on, like asking the Ouija Board other questions than "where are you?" etc.
Almost a week into the game and I have been doing this Just so I can learn the Ghost in a fast time, still it dont help whe your being chased, don't have enough hunt time
So basically, the goal is to play like a nub? xD too afraid to stay past the grace period
I love when you joke about the Joker. It's the best, props to Mimic.
Unfortunately, if you use any cursed item or light the candles of the summoning circle, it will cancel the timer.
I haven’t played Amateur in so long I need to now after watching this. Great video has always 🙂 Take care❤
i absolutely love your videos
I remember when i was playing solo Amateur, when the 5 minutes safety time ends, the ghost went full mayhem on me and it was a freaking SHADE.
This is the ONLY way I have ever played the game 🤣🤣 and ONLY Tanglewood
I think this would be an actual interesting challenge that the devs, or a mod maker, could code in. 5 minutes of amateur mode but after the 5 minutes is over it becomes 24x difficulty.
I hate hunts, and I'm only level 7, so all my games are done within the grace period. I'm a baby who sits in the truck when the five minutes is up. 🤣
I play with my gf on lower difficulty and we get hunted during the grace period. The items can trigger a hunt. And on amateur mode I don't think I remember a time where we didn't get crucifix and repel objectives
hahaha i remember when i first played… now, after watching a lot of your videos, im the lowest level player in the team, but i get to know the ghost mostly on behavior, thank you
10:56 Didn’t you and chat notice that sneaky DOTS right after you closed the book?
They should make it where unless a cursed hunt is activated it should keep the grace time.
After watching your videos for months and i still can't see the orbs on the video camera on youtube.
Just finished up an exam! and after a bit I said "alright, time for some Insym videos and food, the perfect combo :)" thanks for always uploading and bringing us smiles!
the one with the least reward makes it even harder
i guess cause the summoning circle is the only item that doesnt let you know where the ghost room is. That's why it's the only one that works
This is no joke. I as your avid watcher and a Phasmo noob had to get through to unlock professional mode because Amateur and Intermediate are just too unreliable. I sort of wish both of them were reworked to some extent. Maybe the ghosts in both Amateur and Intermediate act just like the ghosts we know and love and are readable, but in Amateur you just can't die and on Intermediate you can die but you have a long time to try and figure out the ghost before it hunts you? Also feel like the money gained is too low in both of those modes. And before you just go say "well go train into customs then" I can't yet. It's not unlocked for me yet due to my level. Love Phasmo, but I do struggle so hard and get frustrated. Especially thanks to freezing and ghost writing just straight up not existing for like the first 7 minutes. Love you Insym <3
Here I am playing amateur with about 5 hours in game thinking I’ll never get any better at Phasmophobia. Then Insym practically calls noobs like me a pro player. 😂