Welcome back to Phasmophobia! I think that Demons are the most lethal ghost in Phasmophobia and in this video I explain why! They hunt so early and often that they will absolutely annihilate any new players. They can even catch professionals off guard! Let me know what you think the scariest ghost is in the comments down below! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.1
Demon = noobs killer, confirmed for me(
That loud breath right after 14 minutes into the video actually jumpscared me so bad 💀 I actually flinched
At one point, boarding the demon and looping was a thing
when is the planned console release date at the moment do you know? i dont own pc sadly i play games on my xbox but i have an oculus quest 2 as well
Level 1200+ here, I usually only get killed by other people coming to my hiding spot with open microphones and blinking flashlights :^(
It's times like these when I wish I had a chainsaw arm
I've definitely been killed by more demons than any other ghost type
Hey Insym can you help me out? Last night (the 11th of October 2021) me and a buddy were playing Willow, we waited for a hunt to smudge it while it was chasing someone (me) it was in the boys bedroom and I was in the kitchen, I smudged it threw it at the ghost, ran in the garage, I scroll wheeled to my flashlight, it turned on, I didn’t mouse click to turn it off, I switched to my lighter and pressed T. I hid by the washing machine in the very back corner. The ghost came in there and immediately killed me. As all my stuff dropped my flashlight was now back on. Is that a glitch? I rarely use the flashlight once we find the ghost room I usually have a candle on me so I was just very confused. Any help would be appreciated.
I might have several hundred hours in Phasmophobia…… I love the game, it’s fun. I love teaching new people and friends how to play and scaring the shit out of them. I learned how to play from a person who did to me what I now do to others. I’ve had this game since Christmas Day last year.
But what abt revenantttttttttt
You should make a podcast my dude
Btw I have like 40h but I ez soloed every ghost on pro and nothing kills me even I loop it, I spent so much time watching you I absorbed the skill xd
Gamers less then optimal
I'm ded xd
1:49 xd
Hold on, if the ghost room is in the main bedroom, how the hell did the ghost wrote outside of its room?
Hi twitch
My first ever game in Phasmo was a Demon. I can safely say that, indeed, they are fucking terrifying.
I think Demon was the first ghost I had when I started the game 😀
I agree, Demons (to be) are extremely annoying, especially in larger maps like high school, where you are basically going to the room, stopping in the hallway cuz it started a hunt, dropping your stuff, and finding a safe place to be until the hunt is nearly over, then going back to your stuff, bringing it to the room, getting hunted in the room, escaping, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, all because your sanity drops so fast now. Demons on smaller maps, however, much more intense and interesting. You never get a boring demon, at least, I've never had one that I can remember for being anything less than a demon 🙂
I agree, Demons still beats every ghost even Revenants. The amount of haunting is just too much for the newbies to bear. Also I think it suits the game that Demons are the most dangerous entities in the Phasmophobia universe.
Me listening to Dawn winery OST while watching this is so sastisfying…
He always plays phasmophobia
After today, I realize you were talking about the Grumps. RIP Danny and Arin
16:36 mic wasn't muted in game, so basically the demon is just listening to Insym singing praises about him while hunting
Demons are the worst… everytime i get one they are super chill taking forever to hunt etc… meanwhile spirits who should be very chill they are incredible active. My luck is just incredibly trash…
bro a demon killed me after 1 second of hunting i didnt even get to escape
Never loop a revenant.
Played asylum with some randoms in professional dificulty and the ghost was a demon we knew through 2 things
1 evidence
2 the demon was close to the exist and our sanity was rock bottom so every 30 seconds it hunted so we couldnt leave the asylum
I got killed by Michael Jackson, a 95 yo demon yesterday
Hi yt
Honestly the more I play it gets less scary I just didn’t know you could hide. Bought it and went blind with a buddy on Halloween all we did was piss of the ghosts because we kept talking shit in discord not realizing the game still hears us LOL we got the one that gets mad if you talk around it. Then there was when we discovered the ouija board and made fun of it dying early and it started hunting games fun asf w friends. I had a yurei just now for the 1st time fucking thing hunted for atleast 2 minutes bro I stg I went to the front door 3 separate times n it was still locked I violated its ankles and hid downstairs in the dark I heard it walking upstairs
“If u dislike it, dislike it”
this has happened to me where my team mates died from demon and am there with no evidence and every time I entered it would hunt me. in the end i just guessed that it was demon and i got it right (so basically i just did a no evidence ghost challenge xD).
my first ever ghost with my friends was a demon. guess who died instantly?
I would (likely) never play this game. But I love watching others play! The taunts with the hissing and harsh breathing are so hecking scary…it's great.
I've gotten a Raiju, a revenant, and a jinn as a noob and didn't die while guessing them correctly and getting some evidence. But the first time i got a banshee i got smoked. I'm scared watching demons but knowing some of these hiding spots are life savers.
I'm thankful I never experienced a demon starting out. I just get trolled by the twins
When i had like <20 hours i was playing coop with a friend. I saw freezing on the tanglewood basement and what do you guess? It was a demon and we both died. (Even with 2 crucifixes laying around)
That is so true level after a few games I got the demon then next game Raiju omg ingot destroyed 🤣
"I really like demons"
Noise in background"Sup demons, it'sya boy"
I never seemed to have had an issue witht he demon even when new. Being lvl 2k+ i still cant survive a damn Mare. I swear they are out to get me
As for the fact about the book, friends and I were 20 mins in with objectives done, full photo journal, but waiting on the last evidence. Finally after taking its sweet sweet time the ghost wrote in the book. Then killed someone
i had 3 raijus in a row on highschool
just baught the game and can't play it becaus my pc is running late
He says I don’t know how to hide I never played this game before but if I watch him enough I willl know lol
Because maybe Demon can hunt any moment?
"Demons are the worst", how about Yurei? It depletes sanity faster and can start a hunt at 80% (demon can start at 70). So i'd argue that Yurei is the more deadly one.
My first 2 ghosts were demons