Follow Koji on Twitch (live everyday):
I decided to play some Duo’s on phasmophobia, as it seems more screepy with less people. This terrifying ghost would NOT leave me alone, she was completely obsessed with me. I have never seen anything like it
Twitch gang, hi Koji! LOL
Yes koji we got it early😸😸
Watching the stream❤️
the editing is insane as per usual
Koji 🖤 Great video! 🌙 lmao it did indeed go live an hour early 😂😂
kojiii 😂 love it!
Coming from the stream 💜💜
Hellooooo come from the stream! ❤️
From the stream 💖💖💖
Who’s here from twitch
GIDJI – we love to see it <3
Love this. The ghost ain’t no Susan
Great video as always koji. Its so fun to watch you play phasmo and get scared 😂😂❤❤ also i think sandra is just misunderstood she just wants to be your friend 🤷♀️
This is so funny lmao
Always a pleasure working with you, Detective Private Susan 💙
I love this!! so funny, going back to the stream now!!
Watched all of this happen live. Its even funnier watching it back lmao
the music is NOT helping
Hello Koji my son and me have always watched different things on YouTube, but I found you on Twitch @MistyD1974 really enjoy your content you make me laugh. This video awesome and so funny. I love Gid. He really needs to become a comedian. You and him together made me laugh so hard.
Screamji has entered the chat
Do you have any advice on starting a YouTube channel and any editing softwares that are free
This video is everything! Love watching you stream and love watching you on youtube! Supporting you however I can <3
BRO; Koji’s editing SOO good🤩🔥🖤🔮✨
The screams and scares 😱were Hilarious 😂
I literally cannot get enough of you and Gid playing this game, even if I have like 50 hours gameplay in it myself XD
This is so great! YouTube game stronggggg
This game was insane, best detectives ever
Omg and the little anime girl emotes when you were saying Gid's changed since you became a girl cracked me up XD
Ahhh this game was soo fun watched it on stream too, great vid as always ❤️
I clipped that one scene on the stream >:)
Loved the vid🖤🖤
Hahaha I love it Koj😂😂😂
What I got from this video is that the Editing is 🔥 Screamji and detective Gid are the duo we always need 💜and Sandra was on a and one tryna get to you 😂
hahahahhaha amazinnn
I LOVE THIS! i watched it live and i'm watching it for the 10x time and it's still bomb af. maybe even better that when it was live. 🤗💕
Funny to watch live and absolutely hilarious the second time around 🤣🤣
P.S. Loved the editing and all the animations, made it so much funnier!
P.P.S Very proud that 5/14 scares were from me 🤣🤣🤣
P.P.P.S when we getting the screamji and jumpji compilation video… that's going to be a pretty long video 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omg this was the best video hands down hahaha I laughed so hard. Love the editing on this video too
The editing on this is so cleannnn, keep it up bro
moar kowjee
That stream was amazing, and its even funnier watching it back in the this video 😂 love the editing, we need more Gidji content 🖤
As Always, Great Content <3
Had me in stitches bro!!
Your videos honestly make me so happy! Keep being you <3
11:25 GIT??🤔
I love this video… I keep coming back to rewatch it 😂🖤