TIER 3 CRUCIFIX STOPS A CURSED HUNT 😱 | Phasmophobia #shorts

In this Phasmophobia short, I use the Tier 3 crucifix to stop a cursed hunt!

FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/px0EjQ1FEDk

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#phasmophobia #short #phasmophobiagame


13 thoughts on “TIER 3 CRUCIFIX STOPS A CURSED HUNT 😱 | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. T2 or T3 salt: aim near the outer edge of circle so the ends of the salt overlap in the middle. 6 salt placements gives you 6 Disturbed Salt photos.
    List of photos:
    Cursed Possession
    Ghost Photo
    Burned Crucifix
    Disturbed Salt
    Disturbed Salt
    Disturbed Salt
    Disturbed Salt
    Disturbed Salt
    Disturbed Salt
    not 100% sure of the order you get them, maybe crouch and aim up for the ghost pic.
    Saw this strat from at least 1 streamer.


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