Tommy Goes to Prison (New Phasmophobia Map)
The new Phasmophobia map is looking real spooky 😛
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#Phasmophobia #Prison #NewMap
Me screaming freezing temps
Remember when Tommy would say his intro at mock 3 speeds (heyyohowyoudoinladiesandgentalman. welcomebacktofohona.) xd, if you don't believe me go back to his older for honor executions reactions. Dude I love your accent and the many different ways it changes overtime! XD
Oh ! A new game cool 😀
You said Dorothy wrong when we did our video too 😂
Loooll Grizzly is German 😮
doro-thy williams/ dor-o-thy
Tommy playing this game is so enjoyable to watch
Dirty water means the ghost is pissed btw
I honestly love seeing you do more horror type games
tommy keep up the good videos you always make me smile 😊
Zanny colab?
I love these types of videos keep them up pleaseeee
Where are the boizz
Grizzly is a german isn't he
I keep forgetting tommy is a small youtuber, he feels and looks like a youtuber at least above 800k
He got arrested for bullying raiders
The fact he kept saying doro-thy and not dor-o-thy kept making me laugh
Keep it up with the phasmophobia content! I love it 😀
Oh your friend is german or he learned it ?
The new CoD Zombies Alcatraz reboot looks good.
Please let this be a series
Tommy deserves more likes on his videos
Hey man I really enjoyed this and would absolutely LOVE to see more of this game.
More pls
Love the solo Phasmophobia! Let’s see it again 😀
tommy's friend: "bist du hier"
geist: ……vielleicht
Good Video BUT can you please play Mincraft with Tox
Can you make tox play this game
Where’s brawls with feats season feats? 🙁 Nice to still see phasmo vids tho
They should ad ghost hammer
Is the new map out im kinda dumb atm
Where are you from tommy your english accent sound weird
Next video everytime you scream in phasmobia you take a shot
You smell like cheese
I love how Poltergeist wasn't even something he said like 3 times.
Bro could u pls continue to do these videos, im dying😂😂😂❤
I swear he had more subs
Does Tommy have a discord server? If he does please gimme the link
German does sound more professional when ghost hunting
Shout out to Tommys friend
i dont know why, but i always say your intro with you and at this moment 0:05 i got a stroke when i said for honor
tommy playing horror games is the best 😂