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Last one [question mark]
PART 1 : https://youtu.be/TcJHx4s-OYk
PART 2 : https://youtu.be/i1AnJQng8sQ
PART 3: https://youtu.be/UezPgss9vTc
PART 4: https://youtu.be/hpZx1Kg9jDE
PART 5: https://youtu.be/ewGIrXGeKb8
PART 6: https://youtu.be/XgrqavubTEw
PART 7: https://youtu.be/SKVCXAR2GaA
PART 8: https://youtu.be/5yXCUCaDODg
PART 9: https://youtu.be/s6Iy7qW6pSo
PART 10: https://youtu.be/T3xYjMOwlb8
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#skits #phasmophobia #comedy
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Sorry, SEO stuff: horror gameplay phasmophobia steam twitch streamer new player playthrough funny comedy
The burglar. Taking home the cellphones and laptops lol
To my defense, I don't steal electronics.
Yeah I'm DJ listening to song while play 🤣
I was playing with my friend watching, I barely stepped past the front door screamed the ghosts name and stepped back inside
Wheres the "i have to bug everydoor i see" player
I'm the scaredy cat that want to seem braver than I actually am; I easily get spooked by even the smallest sound, and I absolutely cannot play alone. Even the tutorial scares me. When playing with randoms I like to seem brave by still going into the building, but mostly as a delivery guy, bringing stuff in then staying as far away from the ghost room as I can without just being the truck guy, plus bringing a crucifix from the very beginning to possibly be safe.
Unfortunately, my best friends, who would fit into the "chad" and "operative" types (first video) know this, and they bully me into dealing with alone ghosts and do objectives which forces me to be in the ghost room, then leave me alone to insult the ghost at the entrance and laugh as I scream bcuz the ghost does scary stuff. Plus my "chad" friend who also is VR-flexer likes to throw all sanity pills and crucifixes out of bounds without me noticing, so that I don't realise I'm not safe from a hunt until it's too late.
…They're great and makes the game so much fun, despite always giving me a bunch of scares.
Never played Phasmophobia but I'm pretty sure I'd be Nope and I'm fine, this is fIne, we're all FINE.
DJ here.
You forgot the occultists: "Where's that Ouija Board. Right, now, how old are you? How many people did you kill? Who was your victim? What was your grandmothers cats name? Are you gay? Are you single?"
Having a dj teammate is the worst xD
In gonna get in youre house,
Steal a Video,
A n d s a y a g h o s t d i d i t
My friend is absolutely a door slammer. I keep confusing him for the ghost. All of my friends and I are definitely the Burglars. The moment my friend dies and I’m alone NOPE right on out of there.
I had a dj once. It was a party of 4 and we were all on the counter calling the ghost a furry and listening to meme music
I am all of these, with the exception of the 'nope' one. I have made an oath to always steal the ghosts caulks, I close the door on my friends right after a hunt and the other day, I got a Michael Jackson revenent so the only logical thing to do is honor him with his music
Me going with the music in the house so i won't be afraid: 0:16
I like taking cups or plates with me. One time I had dinner in the truck with items from the house.
Me having irl phasmophobia but bullying the shit out of the ghosts in game
I am definitely not the burglar the ghost definitely was
Me and my friends take everything from the houses, put it in a running sink in the Room or closest to the Room, and tell the Ghost to wash its damn dishes
DUDE I HAD A DJ GUY IN MY LOBBY ONCE, HE WAS SO F***ING COOL. He was playing NSFW songs during the hunt, funniest s**t ever. I still play those songs in his memory, I cant find him 🙁
“They let a bunch of strangers come into their house, if they didn’t expect to get robbed they’re just too trusting” -Me October 18, 2020
Dude the burgler is too accurate, whenever the ghost decides to not do anything I'll just tell it that it's boring and then start grabbing random stuff
I would have to say I'm a DJ as I play music through a soundboard 🤣. Most ghosts don't like caramelldensen and beep beep I'm a sheep 🐑 😂🤣 or me just using my censor key. I've also accidentally gotten my friends killed by playing crab rave butttt… You know what I play music during a hunt and it's hilarious 🤣 ghosts really don't like me.
I’m a little bit of nope and the dj cause I’m a little bitch playing this game and playing my music makes me feel a bit braver until the ghost whispers in my ear then it’s back to nope XD
Uhg, DJs…
Lollll I am burglar in these types xd I always take electronics and toys
That nope ahahahah!!! Especially when the ghost VERY aggressive after we pissed it off. Hahaha
Didn't know the burglar was a class.
XD I started occasionally stealing the teddy bears from some of the houses and getting my friends who were getting too afraid to stay in the house/ghost room to swap the equipment they were using with the teddy bear I was going to take. That way they could go bring it back to the truck and get another piece of equipment while I continued to work on antagonizing the ghost to get evidence. Just something small and silly to ease the tension. Lol, now it's gotten to the point that I'll go out to the van and often find teddy bears and rabbits already in the van before I've gotten to them, or I'll hear over the radio "I grabbed the bear/rabbit for you!"
I guess this kind of makes me the burglar type that's slowly converting my friends >:p
I'm the dj 👁️💧👄💧👁️
im the "nope" but also the "come on ghost show me ur balls i wanna leave" haha..
I usually only play with friends- friends that are way better at the game than me- so I TRY to do useful things, but then I see they have it covered so I just start stealing shoes. sdlsdkgja;sldkgj
Funny but why not just make 1 or 2 longer video's instead of milking this forever?
I thought I was the only one that took the Cat Picture
Then theres me. Singing songs to the ghost and asking it to appear while calling it a b**ch
I'm the burglar lol
Me: sees friend running away from the ghost
Me: closes door to sacrifice them
The door slammer is me when my teammates are really stupid.
Not gonna lie, just yesterday I bring the cat picture with me and put it next to cam computer
I'm the burgler type yes ik I don't have phasma game but I know another game like phasma
I wloud be the burgler when im the ghost
The nope is so relatable
So when the kid is going to visit somebody and that person that lives at the place the kid walks in running has head phones on listening to dj when he walks in something moves and says nope