2 thoughts on “Virtual Reality PHASMOPHOBIA Fun. Let's die laughing in fear.”
You know these live streams in groups with friends or fellow viewers is interesting but if I can be honest and maybe it’s just me but it’s starting to feel repetitive of the same game it’s just nice to see a bit of variety in the livestreams then just the same game every week. At the end of the day it’s your choice of what game to play since it’s your channel but maybe a different game? One you can still enjoy with a group of people? Maybe Fall Guys? I mean I believe the season 2 of it came out this month and it’s entertaining to watch you play that and even more so with the newer stuff with season 2 on top of seeing you play with a group. Just a suggestion is all to see you stream. ☺️
After so many times the game becomes boring. They didn’t change it with new locations or options. And It would be nice if you can use your own face as character.
You know these live streams in groups with friends or fellow viewers is interesting but if I can be honest and maybe it’s just me but it’s starting to feel repetitive of the same game it’s just nice to see a bit of variety in the livestreams then just the same game every week. At the end of the day it’s your choice of what game to play since it’s your channel but maybe a different game? One you can still enjoy with a group of people? Maybe Fall Guys? I mean I believe the season 2 of it came out this month and it’s entertaining to watch you play that and even more so with the newer stuff with season 2 on top of seeing you play with a group. Just a suggestion is all to see you stream. ☺️
After so many times the game becomes boring. They didn’t change it with new locations or options. And It would be nice if you can use your own face as character.