Welcome ladies and gentlemen, Sgt. Moose here, back with another Phasmophobia video!
In tonight’s video, we’ll be finding a specific Easter Egg located in Phasmophobia’s newest map – Maple Lodge Campsite!
This particular Easter Egg is relatively easy to find, however, it does appear that Slenderman will spawn in different locations.
However, from my understanding, you should take a Strong Flashlight and a Lighter (to light the campfire).
Make your way to the campfire as I’ve shown in the video, light it with the lighter, and proceed to scan the surrounding woods with you Flashlight.
It took me a few tries, but I finally found him!
There’s more amazing Easter Eggs within this new map0, so stay tuned for more Phasmophobia videos!
#Slenderman #Phasmophobia #EasterEgg
Wow they added slender man.
i actively searched for this guy, couldnt find him
can t find him anywhere been in like 30 plus games trying to find him
theres also jason at the dock and at the side of the cabin if you crouch and look under the cabin you'll see a body bag