We Never Expected THIS Ghost in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we enter a haunted house in search for a ghost. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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Welcome to Dark OB, @BeautifulOB second channel. If you’re a fan of spine-chilling experiences and thrilling adventures, make sure to like, subscribe, and also check out the main channel, Beautiful OB, for more content. Thanks for your continued support!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
Hello OB
Hi o.b👋👋
Your my favorite YouTube dark ob
Second and day 3 of asking for OB to tell camodo he stinks
Hi ob you are cool
Where have you been with these videos
finally a phasmo vid 😀
Moroi are forced spirit box they can curse you are using spirit box, they can make your sanity drop faster, to get rid of the curse that is a sanity pill if you be in a truck it will stop but step in the map continue to go down, This game should make up from the other video of a Shade.
this man my child hood
How long douse it take after you record the video to post it? Just curious 😊
I love your videos my favorite ones are the backrooms stay safe❤
Can you play home safety hotline? It is about a 2 hour horror game that I find really fun to watch. The game is about helping people deal with horrors that may be living inside of their home. I highly recommend you check it out.
Ob I love your vids you are my favorite youtuber you have more sub then me I only have 2k.52
I love you phasmaphobia vids keep it up❤❤
Ob play around the clock at bikini bottom its a spongebob horror game
Ob we love your videos❤
Even if the book is full of pictures you can still get the picture objective
Hi ob I hope you have a good day
I still think the developers should add it where if you remove the stuffed animals from the house it automatically forces a hunt 😂😂
Oh no they killed Kenny!
Hey Ob if you use a different camera and take photos of salt if a different and a different person take the photos
OB if you look at the bottom of the spirit box if the response marker lights up all the way it counts as spirt box!
Love the phaseo. Vids but please play more backrooms
Question and Gary’s mod how do you rotate the items?
Ob I like how you care for the animals I'm just imagining you vs hundred ghosts and first thing you do is get ted bear and Jack the rabbit
Awesome Video OB! Don't forget Teir 3 salt (black salt) repels the ghost! So if it's in the room and you place it at the door it will keep it in the room. However if it teleports to another room to do a ghost event then try to walk back into the ghost room, then the tier 3 salt will prevent the ghost from re entering the original ghost room! You need T3 crusafix asap 👌
Hey ob I have a tip about the black salt, during a hunt it can slow the ghost down 50% for about 2 seconds, I hope this helps for future hunts
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Phadmaphobia is my favorite series in this channel.
Play palworld plz
O.B why is your camera different usually the camera is in front of your face
The new camera angel looks real good
o.b when wil u do the 2 laser motion sensor i wil sub to all ur channels if u do it next video!
Next video Backrooms?
I love your vids keep up the good work man