We Went Back To APOCALYPSE difficulty in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd. Today in Phasmophobia, we put the difficulty up to max, which is called apocalypse. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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Welcome to Dark OB, Beautiful OB’s second channel. If you’re a fan of spine-chilling experiences and thrilling adventures, make sure to like, subscribe, and also check out the main channel, Beautiful OB, for more content. Thanks for your continued support!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
Can you put this comment on your next video?
Can you make a video about New Zealand?
15 minutes gang
now this is cool
You are my favorite youtuber and so is camodo you guys make the best jokes and you should continue making these awesome vids
This is most scary phasmophobia ever😮.
stinky stinky goryo
Hi ob big big fan love your videos
To do the Phasmophobia Apocalypse challenge for the skulls it has to be on sunny meadows and has to be a perfect game
1 hour gang
You guys should try the prison map again some time
OB and Camodo are in the elite community.
Apocalypse looks great fun 😁👍
I'm the 100 subscriber 😂😂😂yaaaaaa
hi again ob just wanted to let you know to keep up the amazing work again, and your videos are so funny and awesome!.
ob just rotate the camera in the truck!!
28 dang I'm late
Merry early Christmas
My name is Levi
Ryan I’ve for the good vids! Pls make more ty and pls reply to me
Has there been any shady ghost jokes
OB next video don't wear a hat. Love you sweety. no homo
Why do you guys no longer use headcams
Can ther be more spiderman 2 😊
hope you have a good Christmas this year
love you dude
Hey you're both really doing great. two brave boys on a mission 🙂
you've asked about the ghost that drains sanity wehn you talk to it:
It's the moroi
so when you get an answer on the spirit box or a whisper on the paramic the moroi curses you
that means your passive sanity drain increases. you can test for moroi after you've gotten an answer on the spirit box or paramic by going outta the house to the truck, check your current sanity and keep that value in mind then go back into the map and stay in the lights. go back to the truck after about one minute you shouldn't have lost any sanity at all but if you have then it's the moroi's curse and you know it's a moroi. you can interrupt the curse by going outta the map and you can cure the curse by eating sanity meds (even if the meds restore 0 sanity the curse will be taken from you until you get the next spirit box or paramic answer)
another way to test for moroi: wait until your sanity is low (below 25%) listen to the speed during a hunt it should become faster and faster then take sanity meds 81-2) in your hiding spot and listen to the ghost's speed. it should become slower and slower if it's a moroi
another (dangerous) test: if you smudge the moroi during a hunt it should not be able to target you for 7.5s instead of 5s for any other ghost. like i said this test is dangerous but you might need to use it on a true apocalypse challenge.
info: you can only get an apocalypse trophy by playing on 6x+(bronze), 10x+(silver) and 15x(gold) on solo. you need to figure out the ghost, take a ghost photo and do all side objectives to achieve that
good luck and happy hunting 🙂
My name is levi that is so funny What a coincidence
Hey ob loved it manz.❤
U guys should use the camera rotate more also good video ob!
Ob on the second house before you died that last time you were in van you shouldve grabbed a second smudge stick instead of the uv because camodo already had a uv in the basement
I wanna play a game with you ob because I just hot it and you have player it before but not with me lethal company
nice video ob ❤🧡💛💛💚💛❤💛💛💙💙💜🤎🤎🖤💙💜💜🤍🤍💚💛
i would of gave u money but the apple car was broken
on the last one once you died and i saw it came from downstairs i knew it was a myling because he said he didn't here the stairs which is because of that
you should play modern warfare 3
That Crunch of the sanity is so satisfying
Can I get a shout out it’s my birthday
If your ever just sitting waiting for a hunt- thats what the cursed objects are for! You had a voodoo doll- that would have been perect to cause an event or trigger a hunt! I just take it in a closet or behind something to my hiding spot and mess with it till it starts hunting. You guys are doing great practice runs tho! I'm surprised you guys don't take more pictures for more money- pics are easy. YA'LL ARE AWESOME!💚