This exactly happened to me on nightmare mode and me and my friend were wondering why the ghost wasn’t hunting for 10 minutes and then when we get back in the van all our crucifixes were burned 😔
Had this happen in Tanglewood when I was newbie, it was a Demon in the Garage, the moment I picked up our 2nd crucifix to bring it inside, it burned in my hand. No one believed me til I showed them and we all freaked out, we chose demon and bounced ~which we only guessed we didn't know traits yet, and one of my friends immediately went offline because of how scared he was. 🤣🤣🫡
It's not a bug. A crucifix will prevent a hunt if within range, regardless of where the crucifix is. So if you have a crucifix in the truck and the ghost room is next to the truck, the crucifix in the truck could be used.
Yep this can happen if the crucifix is within range of the ghost room, even if it’s outside the house and on edgefield it’s close enough to that room and the garage to burn in the truck
I havent personally had this happen but I distinctly remember on one of ImpulseSVs streams neither crucifix left the truck and both were burnt at least once, I think it was t2 crucifixes on I want to say Tanglewood
Not a glitch. I had a demon trigger a crucifix on the truck on that same map. That room is close enough to the truck for the ghost to be in crucifix range.
Geuss the t3 crucy in the van can extend to there😂
Saw this live on TikTok felt weird when it happened
Cruci's range based so its listed as not a bug
Yeah it's not a bug buddy. I've had that happen a couple times with a crucifix in the van. keep up the great phas content Casson!!
Did this mfkr say OREO😂
same with t1 tho lol
This exactly happened to me on nightmare mode and me and my friend were wondering why the ghost wasn’t hunting for 10 minutes and then when we get back in the van all our crucifixes were burned 😔
If you listen it made the hunting sound and also turned off the lights so it did try to hunt
I saw this glitch yesterday. There was a part of the house connected to the truck and my party member was able to grab the 2 cameras with the tripod.
Is bro deaf?
Yeah it happened to me earlier when playing I moved the cruci outside and it burned
Had this happen in Tanglewood when I was newbie, it was a Demon in the Garage, the moment I picked up our 2nd crucifix to bring it inside, it burned in my hand.
No one believed me til I showed them and we all freaked out, we chose demon and bounced ~which we only guessed we didn't know traits yet, and one of my friends immediately went offline because of how scared he was. 🤣🤣🫡
It's not a bug. A crucifix will prevent a hunt if within range, regardless of where the crucifix is. So if you have a crucifix in the truck and the ghost room is next to the truck, the crucifix in the truck could be used.
Yep this can happen if the crucifix is within range of the ghost room, even if it’s outside the house and on edgefield it’s close enough to that room and the garage to burn in the truck
I havent personally had this happen but I distinctly remember on one of ImpulseSVs streams neither crucifix left the truck and both were burnt at least once, I think it was t2 crucifixes on I want to say Tanglewood
It's because on this map the ghost room you're in is so close to the van the t3 crucifix can reach it
Welcome to Edgefield!
Dont use 3 lights, thats when it gets buggy. Use one nd relight it every time nd it'll always work
i had a demon burning the crucifix in the van in Edgefield or Ridgeview, it was in the room closest to the van upstairs just in reach of the cruci
Not a glitch. I had a demon trigger a crucifix on the truck on that same map. That room is close enough to the truck for the ghost to be in crucifix range.