The new Phasmophobia update is not messing around… I love this change so much. This is absolutely terrifying. If you want to watch the entire video of me testing the new update you can find it here:
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch 0.28
When he said ''come over here ghost"
The ghost: well you said it soo im gonna kill you
does it even pick up voice when your not holding down V button?
You can see the genuine terror for a second when the doors swing open. He knew what was going to happen and still was terrified from it. That's just how good phasmo is
is there going to be any devour videos soon <3
Hi insym Hope your having a good day and keep inspiring and motovating people everyday ❤💙💚💛💜🖤♥️💗💟💖💎🌸🌹🌷🌻🌼💐🌺🍁🙂😀💪
The ghost literally "somebody once told me"d the door
Imagine being quiet but suddenly the taco bell starts advertising
I remember watching this live, too! Great work, insym!
Everyone: Welp no more DJ’s now rip
The update is crazy they really did something
Should have done the "made by iphone" meme on this lmao
Player: Hiding in closet sinetly
Player phone: Mom calling
That is a ghost hungry for revenge
i cant wait for that too happen to me
Ghost : Heard you talking shit
The new update is actually insane, now not dying is very boring xD
That was scary ngl
Thats OMEGA cool!!
hey insym have you tested if behind the couch on tanglewood works yet?
The ghost will give you a hug, thats gonna happen! 😀
WHAT THE FU- begins coughing, as it is pollen season
jesus, thats crazy! The ghost just yanks both doors open, theres really no closing them now.
I hid in a closet today than my shitzu lily barked and that’s how I died
i tried the beta and you can survive in certain closets even when the ghosts forced them fully open as long as you stay at an angle away from where the ghost would likely be seeing
everybody gansta until your teammate says out loud brb
0:23 did anybody here a weird noise there like (ererererere)
Losing your items any% speedrun
Imagine having to sneeze will hiding in a closet
Can they hear you now? I thought it was los only
Hiding from the killer and your phone rings
Knew it was coming and it was still scary.
Pog 🤣🤣
0:09 Pog pog pog pog
Big L
That new mechanic is soo fucking cool…….I clenched my ass cheeks when this happened on the youtube video and I got a cramp lol
ok rts audio now is a must to play phasmo
I can’t wait to try this out lmao