WHY IS PHASMOPHOBIA SO POPULAR? // Is Phasmophobia Good? Phasmophobia Review!

Why is Phasmophobia so popular? This spooky ghost hunting game has exploded into the mainstream & gained a huge following since launching in late September, I have been playing most nights since I picked it up and feel like a traditional Phasmophobia review just wouldn’t cut it, so instead I thought I’d have a Phasmophobia discussion & ask why is Phasmophobia so popular? Is Phasmophobia good? Is Phasmophobia worth it? Generally just share my opinions and delve into what has made this multiplayer horror game such a huge success!

For those who haven’t played Phasmophobia yet you may well have seen it online and thought for yourself why is Phasmophobia so popular, I hope this video helps to paint a picture about why this game has captured the attention & hearts of gamers worldwide and maybe even acts as a Phasmophobia beginners guide or general Phasmophobia guide for those thinking about whether or not to dive in & experience the game for themselves.

During the video I touch upon things like why is Phasmophobia so scary & essentially break down my experience with the game so far into a casual Phasmophobia review / Phasmophobia VR review for those who haven’t experienced the game yet. It’s safe to say that I am already a huge fan and cannot wait to see what the future has in store for this smash hit horror title!

Don’t forget to leave a like, drop a comment down below (I respond to all comments) & hit subscribe for more gaming content, I upload weekly as a minimum but daily when I can, from horror games (including Phasmophobia gameplay / Phasmophobia VR gameplay), to VR, to simulators & everything inbetween =)


27 thoughts on “WHY IS PHASMOPHOBIA SO POPULAR? // Is Phasmophobia Good? Phasmophobia Review!”

  1. Phasmophobia has taken the horror world by storm & is taking up most of my evenings these days, I cannot wait to see what the future holds in store for this great horror title & I wish the developers a huge amount of success!

  2. Excellent video! I've watched a few of my fave streamers playing this, but haven't really had the urge to play myself, that was until i watched your video! Now that i've watched this, i'm so intrigued about Phasmophobia, and am very tempted to give it a try. I love VR horror games, and especially at this time of year. How is the single player game? The game was obviously designed to be played by a group of friends, but how does it play if you just want to play by yourself? Is there still value in getting this game, just for the single player mode?
    Really enjoyed watching this, and have now subbed and hit the notification bell. I look forward to watching more of your content.
    Great video dude! All the best, take care and stay safe 🙂

  3. I think maybe BECAUSE I was watching videos of people playing it who weren't taking it seriously, I didn't really get the appeal… there's definitely more to this game than meets the eye. Thanks for clearing it up!


    Two Reasons. . .

    1: Some popular YouTubers played it giving the game a spotlight.

    2: Regardless if a game is good or not when a game is trending it will cause other people to join in on the trend, because of herd mentality.

  5. I'm really interested in this game because I used to live in a house that was most likely haunted. At night I would walk the hallways and suddenly feel cold. like a gust of cold wind blow by me. I would turn on a light and see a vague black human shaped figure standing and quickly vanish. This game brought back those memories.

  6. Your awsome I notice you interact with comments and fans a lot love this! My best friend I haven’t seen in years got me to want to play it waiting on this lab top I’ll have soon! I’m so excited to play with him! We used to ghost hunt in high school and actually took on some crazy places! Thank you for the content I’m just sitting waiting with suspense!

  7. People getting spooked walking around dull, empty homes as characters that look like they drank too much cough syrup. This game has taken hold of twitch lately and I guess it's because streamers are good at getting spooked for their audience. Props to the creator who's making bank on this.

  8. lol i thought it be a bad game too ITS NOT!!! kicking myself that i didnt play it sooner, granted graphics are not perfect but the gameplay Ooooo im struggling to walk through the front door its sooo scary its like im there and i dont even use VR, i play on pc with 50inch tv and xbox controller


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