Willow Street House HIDING SPOTS GUIDE! – Phasmophobia Update

I spent a few hours testing many many hiding spots on Willow street house! These are the 5 spots that I found which had the absolute best survival chance! I never died once in these spots in my many many testing attempts. I hope this helps you to survive on the new Phasmophobia map! This one is super scary! Let me know if you have any other hiding spots you have been using without dying! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.2.1


49 thoughts on “Willow Street House HIDING SPOTS GUIDE! – Phasmophobia Update”

  1. Next to the small chair in left bedroom, i like to hide next to dresser. havent died yet, but thats me. thanks for all your hard work with it.. i was told today im at my happiest when playing phas. and i thank you for that. im horrible at games but watching you i have learned so much and have grown to be a decent player who can teach others! thank you.

  2. Had a Wraith spawn in the laundry room next to the washing machine safe spot and instant kill someone. He made no noise, but the ghost room was the living room.

  3. can the ghost hear you again without pressing the voice radio keybind ? I thought for some time you had to press the radio keybind for them to hear you

  4. hi insym, i actually got killed behind the washingmachine even though I was completely silent during the hunt and the ghost didn't see me before, in fact it hadn't even hunted before, I think it depends on whether it's a walking ghost or a crawling ghost 🙂

  5. The Trashcan killed me 3 / 3 times. I stand close to the wall, maybe thats the case.

    Important, one of the 3 times I was there afk and did no sound at all.

  6. The trash can is not safe. I tested it before and some other dude I played with. We both died lol. Maybe because the ghost was a Hantu.

    It's great that hiding spots here may vary in effectivity depending on the ghost.

  7. 2:16 i'm always hiding behind this spot but it is the most stressing one since the heartbeat you hear by looking at the ghost is played when he enters the garage wich can be stressfull.

  8. Great video, thanks for all your hard work!! Quick question: So as we know, the ghost picks up movement speed during the hunting phase while in line of sight with a player. Does the ghost's movement speed reset to its initial value every time it loses line of sight with a player, or how does it work? Thank you in advance!!

  9. on the first day me and my friends got kitchen ghosty and it started hunting, and umm me and my friend were stuck didnt know where to go so we went living room XD
    hide behind the cabinet next to the kitchen doors xD
    ghost came there but somehow we actually BOTH survived that xDD havent tested after that, im still proud of that x)

  10. Washing machine is ABSOLUTELY NOT SAFE! I've tried it (in VR anyways, crouched to the floor). The ghost was wandering around the house for about a minute and then just went and killed me hiding there.

  11. This is one of the only channels I actually read through the comments on. Such a good interactive community to go with the great videos

  12. I got caught in the livingroom because i had a kitchen ghost and had no choice but to try to hide behind the cabinet in there. I actually survived despite my friends standing outside the window shouting at the ghost.. yep they did that. I just got lucky i guess.

  13. the trash can in the basement would be 100% safe if the basement ghost decides not to spawn behind it.. that was my first willow house death ಥ_ಥ

  14. The fridge spot is where I had my first death on this map. It walked around the counter and spotted me. Other than that this video is really helpful 🙂


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