🎤 Check out these links! 🎤
📱 Who am I playing with? 📱
Jon Risinger: https://www.twitch.tv/jonrisinger
Kerry Shawcross: https://www.twitch.tv/kerryshawcross
Cole Gallian: https://www.twitch.tv/ColeGallian
🎮 Phasmophobia🎮
You can buy Phasmophobia for PC here:
🎬 Extra Credits 🎬
System Specs and Programs used: http://pastebin.com/UTixCRLT
Phasmophobia Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLspeOI0YmcdN7TdYc8NqoduM-l9eNNnOa
#Phasmophobia #LetsPlayPhasmophobia #GaLm #GaLmHD
No views lol
Part 13 ended off with Galm putting on the burrito blanket so that in the lore it would make cononical sense when we reach this part so there doesn't have to be a flashback episode
My nostalgia has brought me back to all my old channels and it feels great that your still alive galm
What's up with the towel on his head? 😂
“Obi wan you’re my only hope”
Hey Galm, I really miss the assassins creed games. Assassins creed origins is pretty nice
Love the Borrito blanket.