Why sit there and wait for freezing temps when you can check from the truck? In this Phasmophobia short, I try out a 200IQ thermo strat for checking the temps.
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#phasmophobia #short #phasmophobiagame
The light placement is ridiculous but you can set up a light further back and still see it pretty good. The ghost also has a higher chance of knocking over the cam if its not on a tripod. Just having fun testing out methods with the new equipment 🙂
That's a tier 1 thermo, right?
Going to use that strat from now on😂
I would not be surprised if tier 1 thermo got hit with a massive nerf to where it takes like 15-60 seconds for it to change temps, it’s like the best item in the game.
Hey Flash, can you update your ghost hints Video
Doesn't it show the real temperature only while being in a player's hand? I feel like other than that it shows the same temperature all the time even not on camera footage but even lying on the floor
hmmm very interesting NGL : |
Flash won't stop until he only needs one quick visit inside the house and gets all the evidence from the van every game 😀
I used this like 5 minutes ago. Glad I’m not the only one doing this
Update: Got the tier II temp thing and it SUCKS
I used to do this with an emf
Tier 1 thermo is just goated. It’s not worth leveling up tbh
Doesn’t beat my EMF cam