Did you know the ghost could appear while singing to the music box? Yeah… me neither. I had no idea this could happen. I also didn’t know after appearing and making his gurgly sounds while also humming that he would then do a scare event. After searching for this ghost for 5 minutes with no noises or hints to his location, I broke down and used the music box to locate him. And then it wasn’t even clear where he was right away. But as soon as I went in the basement it’s ghost appears, scare event and freezing temps all the same time. Guess he got tired of hiding.
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame
wow impressive i showed it to my friend, thats so rare, a ghost even in the basement and real ghost following in upstairs
Very uncool
My face would turn pale T_T
he can make many sounds at the same time…. clearly something supernatural going on here.
How are you so calm 😂