Breaking News and Speculation – Phasmophobia

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36 thoughts on “Breaking News and Speculation – Phasmophobia”

  1. Agreed gamers for the most part don’t know what they want. I’ve seen some great suggestions however.

    Personally though I hope the dev gets some people on a team where what he says goes, because development really needs to pick up on this game to keep it fresh. Even if it’s new maps, new items, some new ghost types etc

  2. The dev should work on his own idea, considering the suggestions from the community. But at least he should hire a graphics designer. Having more death animations(asin different death animations for different ghosts), ghosts looking more deadly and horrifying would be great. Plus adding different ghosts such as one with white dress and long hair would be scary af. There is just one animation for ghost singing, but having more of it would be creepier. Ghost appearance could be more scary than it is. Also if ghost could toss or maybe just push the beds in asylum would be heartwrecking. Hunts should be scarier with sounds, ghost crawling in corridors or ceiling, hands coming out of creeks, scratching sounds, blood marks in walls could make the game better.
    Graphics aside if you could read something like a journal or in a newspaper the cause of death of person turning them into ghost, or why is it haunting and game progressing in regard to that would be great. Having a stamina bar(without diplaying it in screen) and being able to run, after which you need some time to catch your breath would make the feel of the game a little bit better. Even though it isnt the hunt, ghost trying to catch or maybe drag the player reducing sanity significantly in the proceess would be cooler to have.

  3. i think just a few more and better animations for ghosts when they like appear in your room would be nice. I mean now they most likely are just there, but imagine them like starting to shake their head along with some voice lines maybe? And maybe even slowly coming towards you? I love this game.

  4. hey guys! ive got an idea that would improve this game that i havent heard anyone mention. the best part of the game for me is trying to investigate while in danger. having things that you need to push through the fear to accomplish. so i was thinking it would be cool if there were a second set of clues, aside from what type of ghost is it, to find. maybe these clues could be personal to each ghost like age, cause of death, etc. perhaps we could use this optional information to perform a ritual that would allow the ghost to move on to the next plane of existence, and cleanse the house. this would mean more time in the building actively hunting for clues, and performing tasks while your sanity is dropping. there have been so many times, even when soloing on pro, that i get the ghost figured out fairly quickly and kinda just spend a few minutes messing with the ghost just for fun. and it gets boring pretty quickly. you throw everything in the house into funny places, you try to set the place and its contents on fire, a couple other things that come to your mind, and you realize the time you spent hunting was way more fun. thats whats so great about this game. its simple, but great, and leaves you wanting more.

  5. Speaking of trying to create new challenges for fun, what about a 1 piece of evidence run where you get the first clue and then have to watch ghost behaviour and then make a guess. Interesting idea, i'd love to see Dusk try it

  6. I think it'd be an interesting feature if each location had a different "shrine" or "ritual site" with appropriate items for said shrine or site within the building. And depending on the type of ghost you could either get it more compliant, if say you completed a Shinto Shrine and it was either a yurei or an oni it would show up for a picture longer and not drain your sanity, or depending on how far off the ghost is from the source of the site, it would either enrage it further or possibly summon a ghost of that source. Like if you completed a pagan ritual and the ghost was an Oni then it either gets a lot more active or a banshee, poltergeist, or demon could be summoned into the house as well and not count as part of the mission (figuring it out doesn't complete the mission) completing the mission with it muddling up the clues and adding to the danger could add a significant bonus to money and xp. Basically, you can gamble to either make the mission a lot harder or easier for you and your team. Just a thought, not a demand.

    Also, the whole "what could the dead do?" problem. Make seances a thing. Have crystal balls as a purchasable item and have it so you can hold a seance that lasts for so many seconds where you're able to communicate; either by voice, writing, or poltergeisting; with a dead player. Like you could have a spirit box and a ghost writing book on you and have a seance with a dead player and ask them, "Are either of these clues for the ghost?" and the dead player could toss the one that is or write in the book (making the seances a hit or miss). Afterwards the crystal breaks and that player cannot be communicated with for the remainder of that game. This limits the usefulness of it and if you first try it with a hard limit of 2 crystal balls per mission, that'd be cool. If it's too OP and teams are sending in 2 sacrifices to just dump 2 easy clues in, limit it down to 1 ball. You could also have glow in the dark talismans that you could tag onto your dead teammates so you could track where they are as they move around. That way when they are following the ghost you can actually see about where they are. It keeps the coop environment and gives a potential of trolling.

    Sorry, I keep watching and adding to this epoch. The thermometer problem is easy. Have the environment effect the temperature more. Have windows open or broken and so the cold night air is dropping the temperatures. If it's the farm house with the incandescent lights, have it where if you have them on too long then the temperature rises a little. That way you then need to be a lot closer to the actual ghost before you can get an accurate reading.

  7. I personally would love to see learning about the ghost made more important. How old the ghost is, whether it's male or female, how long ago it died, who killed it, even what its name is. These are all things you see constantly in paranormal shows; the hunters asking the ghost questions and trying to ID it and what might have happened. This could result in more money for each fact you can discover as that could would help the exorcists (or whatever you'd call the group that canonically comes in after the players leave) do their job.

    This could even be part of how difficulty levels works; Amateur games could have the ghost's name like we have now, but also information like its age and how long ago it died. This means we can't discover those things, and therefore can't make money off them, but also don't have to subject players to the danger associated with trying to get more information. Conversely, higher difficulties could have less information known about the ghost, with professional contracts having literally nothing known; it would make sense that you'd get paid more for a job well done if you find more previously unknown information. It also makes sense that only experienced ghost hunters would be given those more dangerous and complex jobs where the team knows literally nothing.

    Some of this information could even be tied to the ghost type; maybe for Wraiths it's important to know how they died, because that determines what kind of exorcism it needs (with violent deaths resulting in more powerful wraiths that need stronger rituals). But for Demons it's important to learn its name (since in mythology, knowing a demon's name gives you power over it) and for Mares we want to know how long ago it died (perhaps Mares that have been dead for longer have accrued more power). Thus, it's not enough to just figure out what kind of ghost it is; that's just part of it. There's additional knowledge you want to try and get which gets you more money and XP. Right now, if you manage to get all three pieces of evidence quickly, the hunt is basically over; there isn't much incentive to stick around for the secondary objectives for $10 whole dollars. Success could require this information be found, or else you get a significant pay and XP cut if you leave the game without having it.

  8. What about a way for the team to "appease" the ghost to delay or stop the hunt. Like having an buyable option to solve the ghost grievance. A picture needing to be discovered and placed. Or a hidden letter given to client-family etc. And for goodness sake a headlamp option.

  9. Voice over during a hunt would be terrifying. Imagine a hunt starts and you run down the hall and hide in the next room over, closing the door behind you. You hear the footsteps coming down the hall and a raspy voice saying "Where are you?", "Won't you please help me?", the footsteps get closer and closer, "Are you in here?", the door start to shake violently. If you scream, the door bursts open. If you remain quiet, the rattling door stops, then the footsteps start again, continuing down the hall, raspy again "Where are you?".
    I would poop my pants.

  10. The dude at the bottom is virtually wrong on everything lol. I mean, you just changed his mind that quick about the truck situation. He seems like he does not understand that JUST BECAUSE you have more money and more devs and a bigger studio, does not equate to a HIT GAME or even a game that would dethrone Phasmophobia. On the contrary, big developers churn out HORRIBLE titles occasionally and they seem to be excellent at that.

    Plus, HORROR and the concept of the paranormal is NOT something Westerners really grasp.At a deep level, it's MOSTLY the Eastern hemisphere that shakes us at core when it comes to our primal fear of ghosts, NOT the Western hemisphere. There is a philosophical & spiritual schism between these 2 traditions. Japanese titles for instance are ABSOLUTELY fckn creepier than an MF and it's not because of of the budgets or number of devs; it's because there exists a traditional folkloric attitude, with a history of mainstream healthy respect for the paranormal/supernatural continuing up to this day, that is layered underneath the creation of a horror game which is definitely palpable when you play one.

    In the Western world, many people subscribe to an empiricist school of thought, which is present in these bigger game studio companies, and that affects the result of the game. They really don't understand paranormal culture, philosophically, spiritually and culturally, to the extent that Asia does. The Phasmophobia developer however DEFINITELY gets it. In closing, you can't just create a game like this, no matter how big a studio is.

  11. The Dev has sold 62,797 downloads (as of 6:46AM 10/26) of the game on Steam alone, raking in $878,530.03 (before taxes and Steams cut). With minimal business overhead and only him on payroll, I'd say he can comfortably take the game in any direction he likes without worry. It's really awesome when you look really think about what it would take to do it all alone.
    I'm also not so sure it will die off like most small games. If he does a large revamp every year in his own time and drops it in September (just before the Halloween season) it could be a yearly event if done correctly.

  12. Does anyone else feel it's kind of wrong that, while Sonoket is trying to go into a deep story about how he worked in gaming in a big company for 10 years, trying to explain his thoughts on the thing, and every single time Dusk jumps in and starts rambling about how he thinks the exact same thing? Like, I get that this is Dusk's channel, but like, it just comes off as fairly rude… Then I go down to the description to look for his info and it's not there. Random British's info isn't there either… I know you have done collabs before Dusk; People put the source of information they use in their videos in the description, but them giving up their time to have you shout over them isn't even worth putting their info in your description?


  13. I'd love to see there be a chance of there not being an actual static haunting spot. Like if the ghost were to spread the activity throughout the house, or it moves locations, so you have to spread out a bit amd continue to explore.

  14. He needs help. The game will die out if he doesn't. people will get bored of the same maps and the multiplayer definately needs tweaking to allow you to join lobbies with your friends to search for servers etc rather than you both having to find one and hope there is space for you all.

  15. I just had the idea of fingerprints on a knife or UV bloodstains that also spawn to give hints as to what happened in that house while also telling what kind of ghost it could be

  16. I have an idea for the developer. If he really does want to do this all himself, he could keep the game open for a couple months, close it off with the promise of coming hack next year, update and bug fix for the next 9-10 months, and release it again next year with updates and new ideas, rinse and repeat until he feels satisfied with his own game. After he feels done, just release it permanently and do maintenance until he feels like putting it on a shelf. That way people have a reason to look forward to Halloween each year if he wants to not wear people out.

  17. I may rant here a bit because I love game design and I really do think about these kinds of things a lot.

    -I do wish that the dev would respect that he has a huge playerbase and also realize that hiring other devs to help him does not somehow rob him of creative control. He can easily design an idea and then give it to someone else to code out and present for approval.
    -Where the game is now I think having someone making a map every month or so while the main dev goes about refining mechanics and systems while maybe someone else goes about bug-hunting would be huge. The gameplay loop is limited but satisfying, now we just need to make it so that ghost behavior is more consistent, give items some use like the parabolic and the infrared motion sensor, and make sure that everything functions as intended. You made the game good, now make it good all the time.
    -I find that players tend to fall into two large camps; Those that favor the investigative and environmental horror aspects, and those who treat is as a horror game with forced objectives. It's difficult to satisfy both, but perhaps introducing a side-difficulty to professional where the ghost was much more active and out to scare your pants a new shade of brown would be helpful for keeping the diverse playerbase. Making the ghost more active and adding new scares would be necessary for the whole game, and for the investigative players they could flesh out that side of it. Hire a few story writers to give us some more interesting if still meaningless backstory, or I'm sure others would have ideas on what else to do in the base besides buying items and picking a map.

  18. SFX is one of the most effective tools and definitely tricky to do on your own, one of the areas to outsource. I can make way better sounding piano than what we got right now, and am willing to shit out a bunch of samples for that. For free, my music production hobby has been on the shelf for years anyway.

  19. Would love to see more ghost like creatures added to phasmophobia, like ghouls, wandering souls, and totally the tulpa. Would also love to see them add Sulphur as a demon trace/evidence

  20. Lets be realistic. We need a map that has a size that’s in between like farmhouse and prison? Imo the maps are like, small to huge. There’s not really an in between for like a map with 3 peeps…

  21. I dont want pvp nessisarily, but being able to time out ghost events for better jump scares, and doing so would reveal evidence.
    I like you spirit box idea.
    For the thermometer, maybe make objects in the room give false positives. Like if you point it at something metal, the temp drops.

  22. I'd like to be able to somewhat sabotage the ghost once you are dead so you can aid your team. It hasn't to be something that powerfull as fighting it directly since you are new to the undead world, but maybe some mechanics that allow dead players some fun.


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