We knew that the world would need proof… but sometimes proof comes at a sacrifice!
Watch more Phasmophobia here! – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWWOl-2iqjMbdVWzOb7jrLMLyFCGMnoD7
Galm – @GaLm
Geeky – https://www.twitch.tv/ageekyblonde
Renez – http://www.twitch.tv/renezmee
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HI, hope you're having an amazing weekend, and if not maybe this video will help brighten it up! 😀 I've heard there are some other ghost games out too, should I also try / play those?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't breathe, daddy bezos cock rocket I can't
The way Renez died in the plant 😂 I love the funny positions players fall into after being hunted
I loved it it was scary but I find scary funny
I love when you guy's play together, and when Ohm laughs, it's slightly contagious.. lol can't help but laugh
Yes ohm we want more
Bezos with Mr Vegas skin
YES! PLZ play more. Love your vids
Ur daddy 😉😍😘🤗
THE GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN aka leave the guys behind to die 🙂
28:00 thats some UGLY Bush
Didd ohm justtt sayy boogie2988
Soooo u know him😁😁😁
Ohm taking all the pills, is he gonna be the next blight skin
This game has its moments where it’s really scary like when you waiting for door to open at end, then there’s the silly moments like friends throwing stuff at you as ghosts 😂 I think it’d be cool if the dead friends could talk to you through the spirit box
You uploaded a video and I CAME!
Oh no! Not Jeff bezos!!!!!
omg ohmmmm <3
I love that you’re playing with glam!! 😊
Hantu just means ghost, basically it is jin
ooh you found a doll for me? if it doesn't have a hole in it i don't want it
I love watching this game, but not playing it lol
"Hantu" is a malay word for ghost… so when it said the type of ghost is hantu, its so funny to me… the developer of the game need to learn more about other countries ghost name🤣🤣🤣
I'm viewing this while it has 666 likes.
"I volunteer you as tribute."
I've been waiting the forever and ever phasmophobia ohm
Hantu is a Malaysian ghost 😅😅is the developer is from Malaysian 🤔🤔
20:00–21:05 funniest part 😂
Hey ive been a fan for a long time 😀
@7:21 your Google set off MY Google! 😱
Yesss the scariest game has come back
Ohm I really love your vids I try to get in a game of dbd with you everyday 🤣
The idea of this game is great, but it needs a lot of modification by the makers
Ohm this is awesome i always like your gaming videos
I actually missed this game when I didn't think I would. Definitely would like to see more of this game.
Thanks for always putting out amazing content it always makes me feel better like today I broke my monitor and watching this made me laugh anyway keep up the amazing job and love your videos
I was laughing so hard when Renez died on that plant. By the way I followed both Renez and Geeky's twitch Channels, YouTube channels and Instagrams
This is one of my favorite videos by ohm so far. Whoever the other 3 are love em. Much love from Texas Mr. Ohm
I loved the crew!!! Another great video Ohm!
Ohm always bringing straight heat with these videos 🔥
Hantu mean ghost
Wait, the first ghost is called 'hantu' for some reason which is 'ghost' but in Malay language?! That's awesome!
Every time e someone says, “EMF”, I can’t help but yell out, “You’re unbelievable!”
"She got DADDY BEZOS!" – Ohm 2021
i am loving these people lmao
I'm trying to watch this on my TV but when you say "Hey Google stop" the video stops🤣
I had to skip a mini or two because when Ohm said "Hey Google Stop." It actually stopped my Chrome Cast so I was stuck in a loop hoping it would stop listening lmao