Phasmophobia just had a huge update where they reworked EVERYTHING! Lets have a first look at this monster August update!
The Phasmophobia Patch Notes:
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How do you like this monster update so far?
Brooo this look sick
I've seen updates and everything like that… and g'dang it looks cool! THE WRITING!
The ghosts new hunt behaviour with the singing is terrifying
looks way scarier now
Why did they make the glowsticks even more useless? They were best for marking rooms!
omg, looks very goodd
That glowstick is practically radioactive. Lol.
This update is awesome, but the 60 sec glowsticks are a bit to much. give us at least 5 or 10 min. espeacialy on large maps the sticks are totaly useless now…. :/
So is the default flashlight really a lightsaber, or is every lightsaber really a flashlight?
Yeah I freaked out when the spirit box worked the first time
Finally we can use the old salad bowl for hearing ghosts instead of going "yup the ghost is somewhere in that huge ass asylum"
maybe you can use the emf reader to divert the gohst from your location?
Wow the smudge sticks no longer look like a phat joint or a weird burrito.
Thats cool
I think stomps should be hear able and footsteps should be bearable from a distance for atmosphere.
Now the only thing needed anymore is some kind of bag for carrying more items. That would be very useful on bigger maps!
You use moded visuals anyway…
New update lets gooooooooo
Anyone selling people glow sticks that only glow for 2 minutes needs to be arrested
Disliked the video because I liked it so much You're welcome
the motion sensor can be placed on the floor.
very buggy, so i dont know if its actually intended
Oh my god. This looks so good! I've been waiting year for this.
There was gigling after the book writing
They made the glowsticks behave like ACTUAL glowsticks now. BUt yeah they should up the number since they have a limited span.
Is it now a thing that a Ghost can kill TWO people in the SAME hunt? A spirit did that to us. We had around 0-20 sanity.
This makes the game much scarier and better
Sad for glowsticks, and sad for cameras during hunts, they are jammed and you can't see your friends get slaughtered now.
I think Goryo is pronounced gor-yo. Good video!
(Though not showing a hunt really left out a big deal! Also sad this ghost didn't do any events.
Also, was this a Phantom? We didn't get to see the end screen. Phantoms aren't freezing anymore. I was sad you didn't check the journal to confirm this. Phantoms are DOT projector. Obviously the writing book is bugged, I think they may have already fixed that. If you left-clicked the book, it will write and then float. So I'm not sure if you clicked it or not, or if it only writes if it is actually a writing ghost… But DOT projector is also really weird. Insym spent a long time trying to make it work.
Oh also the bloom setting makes the spirit box screen look blinding and it's really hard to see the icons especially. Not a fan.
Does reshade still works?
Love this update so far! It looks like for Ghost Writing, the pen disappears after the ghost writes in the book. Just a way to tell for anyone who isn't there for the writing animation and finds it hard to see the small scribbles
I think they did too much to hunts. Ghosts are faster overall, electronics lure them to you, you can't detect when the hunt starts, you can't see them at all until they start moving to hunt, and the time to hunt reduced to 3 seconds….. That's a huge balance shift. It feels like they are just challenging the pros. I am more than a casual player but pretty much anyone not a pro is getting pushed out.
I will forever miss smudging a ghost with my favorite Chipotle order. Rip.
can't wait to play this in VR and not leave the van
no more glow stick parties after solving the investigation ohhh š sadpotato lol and the run damn sounds like me, not in shape must stop after 3 seconds. Are salt shakers in Europe like that? To Americans, it looks like a thing of milk. It would be cool if textures could change according to the server you pick. Very nice update! Going to go play today! Bloom still hurts my eyes.
they should let the player test out these equipment.
like make a tutorial with all the equipment and in that specific van. put a interactive computer that allows you to change what ghost there is, disable them even and let the player take its time to learn or relearn the ropes than to have a tutorial with the most basic equipment and just throw the player into a game just to learn the rest.
bruh with this new update, you need to check how many ghost we can run from and how many we can't out run
So the microphone only hears footsteps? The update said "paranormal sounds"
This update has made me into a big scaredy cat that never leaves the truck. At least I have the excuse of looking for orbs and dots
psyhco has the science