Phasmophobia GHOST Sound Files – Ghost Sound FX – Death and Ambient Sound Effects. Here is a playback of each of the ghost related sound effects and ambient effects that are triggered by ghosts from the Phasmophobia game files.
#Phasmophobia #PhasmophobiaGame #PhasmophobiaGhosts
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amazing vid! thanks for sharing 🙂
how do you only have 466 subscibers? thankyou for doing this!
1:07 OwO
I never had the children laughing (bear) until 90 hrs in. Freaked me out.
Do you think they'll one day add a portable screen to their inventory? It would certainly be very practical not to have to always have to go into the truck to check for orbs
please tell me how to find the files
Edgefield have a bug right now, the ghost hunts even there are no people inside the house.
Also some people can see the main door is open during a hunt and can get in and out the house.
The Grudge girl is the least scary one in my opinion. That's just a female version me every morning (crawl included). The others however make my heart skip a beat.
Thank you so so so much! I searched the giggling for months now… Finally! Thank you! ♥
Are some of these replaceable or do they have to be in a certain file size and bit depth etc? I'd love to redo the "croaking / burping" sound so it loops better…
I’d love the addition of more sound effects
There is also a sound where it is like a tv like sound in another room (muffled) with a buzzing sound almost like electricity arking?? Idk i usually get it when i have a violent ghost and i am near its room.
Will you ever release sounds/models as a pack on a google drive?
Damm I want to play taht game but am not on pc.
When the little girl ghost start hunting and i saw her crawling my soul just left mee
so i was playing with my friend once, the ghost had spawned in, we legit ran to the closet, we stayed quiet as the ghost could hear and open doors now, then we heard the woman humming, we shat our pants
Just had a game where me and my brother played, he stands in the ghost room and turns to see the tall red man and the sound he described was like someone humming through a tin can and goosebumps filled his body and he just walked out and left
Top quality ASMR
idle clicker man
today i got womanhumming and i have only 35hrs so i had no idea what it was. it was farm house too with and revenant . i almost shitted my self when i heard it.
Never heard humming (untill now) or bear laughing.
Then again, i dont spend too much time in the house.
Also the models of the ghosts.
I have never heard humming.
can you release the emf reader constant beeping and spirit box static?
1:02 is my fav
When I heard the heartbeat it reminded me when I was being hunted and the ghost was the crawling child and all I could hear was the heartbeat and I was sweating so much I could feel my temperature rise from fear
You rock man, thank you!
I'm your 900TH sub
I REALLY want to make a soundboard with these sounds to spook my friends as we play
Wait did mucdich steal the woman humming and man humming(if u wall want to play the minic yal can if yall have roblox)
2:12 anxiety moment
The woman humming reminds me of Mimic 💀💀💀
Weird, I never heard the man humming sound.
ManHumming.wave and WomanHumming.wave sound familiar…
Lan olum Burçay abi bu GHASGDSAHGSDAGH God Job man nice video <3
phasmophobia is definitely one of the scariest games made if you play it solo
Just might have pranked me friends with these sound
Now there is new humming
Thank's god i found this video, i was trying to know the meaning of some ghost sounds, thanks!!
I always thought the humming was a spooky alien song or something.
2:11 (coraçao batendo)
The Man and Woman humming sounded so much like The Mimic song you hear in one of the chapters. A roblox game(The Mimic)
Nice hoodie
Ghost: Oh Your Hiding Ey.
Also Ghost: NOPE
i love how all the ghosts are in class
1:06 Thanks I needed to know what that weird "music" I was hearing before the ghost killed me was