Phasmophobia – How to identify each ghost type WITHOUT evidence

In this video I’ll be giving you some tips on tricks on how to identify each ghost type without evidence.
Whether you are doing a no evidence challenge run or you are just struggling to find the evidence, I hope this guide will be able to help you!

I stream on Twitch!


49 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – How to identify each ghost type WITHOUT evidence”

  1. I recently came across your channel, and let me tell you, you are one of the most bravest people ever existed. I honestly love your videos, they can be calming and horrifying at the same time. ( calming because your voice )

  2. Just to add a bit more to the Mare, I've had runs where the Mare turns on the lights to lure us in then turn them off and start a hunt, so note that Mares do not turn on lights often but it doesn't mean they won't do it.

  3. I have an OP strat for revs and jinns in medium and large maps. Place two infrared motion sensors 10 steps apart. Then measure the time you take to complete it. Stay near an open door. As a hunt starts and the ghost comea towards you, you can see the sensors light up when it comes toward you. If this happens at the same time you measured its definitely not a rev and 50% not a jinn, but if that gets covered in less than 4 seconds, then it is either a jinn or a rev. If it lights up faster, then enter the open door, close it behind ya and hide in a room, this is easier with smudge sticks but still, hope it helps. Also try to do this near the ghost room

  4. I've done some tests for different myths, and here's what I found:
    Wraiths can't see through doors;
    Revenents can't change targets without line of sight being broken or smudges being used;
    If a dead player throws something, the ghost will head towards it;
    Poltergeists can throw things equally as hard as an Oni;
    Banshees will wander if the target leaves the building as a hunt starts;
    Sanity drains by a tiny bit when dead players throw something;
    Jinns can turn off the breaker, even though that's its weakness;
    And you can get fingerprints on a non-fingerprint ghost if you take a pic of a door, light switch, etc, immediately after the event.
    These are all from my experiments, so results may vary.

  5. I've had a glitch a few times now (maybe cuz me and all my ghostin' friends are still in beta?) where after about 5 minutes or so, we'll have one or two pieces of evidence, but then the ghost will just stop all activity. Even if we HAVE the room, and the last thing we need is ghost writing for one of the options, it will just… refuse to. We cant even make it angry with its name or swears. It will maybe throw some things, or we can get foot prints from salt. But it wont do spirit box, writing, or even hunt.
    I've had to try and piece it together from behavior a few times now but even that isnt so easy because we've had super aggressive shades even when in a group, and super chill oni even when we're messing around in it's room the whole time.

  6. A good test for guessing a demon after ruling out a Mare is keeping your sanity OR the team average BETWEEN 65% and 60%, only demons and mares with their +15 modifier can hunt at that sanity range. Wraiths are broken currently and do not see through doors and lockers also they are sometimes teleporting via one of their special abilities during hunts, something that is not intended. Wraiths will also leave periodically UV feet in one spot since they touch the ground every now and then however they don't walk like other ghosts so you won't see an trail of UV footsteps.
    For Yureis I have only one phrase: All Yureis Are Fucked.
    They're all glitchy, sometimes the sanity drain is passive others it's on manifestation, they're all bugged to shit, it depends on the map, on small maps I notice that the sanity drain is applied passively, on large maps there is no sanity drain at all unless you're in the ghost room, sometimes even that don't work and your sanity will drain at double the rate upon seeing the ghost making you think it might be a Phantom, BOI how the game is broken atm.
    OH BTW Candles are bugged in some maps and are not preventing the passive sanity drop on High School, Grafton and Bleasdale AT ALL.

  7. Honestly, I've found in my game, that a Mare will turn lights on to lure me in and then turn them off as soon as I get close to the spawn point and I just. yeet myself away lel.
    I've had Jinns flicker lights so much they broke the fuse box and Demons yeet things at me more frequently than Poltergeists. Did show this to my friend who hasn't quite gotten down Powers of Deduction in the game, though, and she's feeling much better about playing it, so much thank!
    I'm extremely hopeful that they implement the Phantom warning in the future–the one about Phantoms possessing people. Or making them more active with ouija boards would be fun, since they're "commonly summoned" by the boards.

    Regardless :3 delightfully informative and magnificently relaxing as ever~ Thank, friend!

  8. I actually never did a no evidence challenge but we have been in situations where we needed to identify the ghost without it doing anything to our evidence tools really and usually around 5 minutes after we found the ghost room its pretty obvious to me what it is or is not

  9. A nice way to find out if its a mare if the ghost isnt giving the last piece of evidence is by watching the lights. Mares are unlikely to turn on lights, so if that happens, theres a big chance its not a mare

  10. I have other tests!

    Mares are easy. Keep your sanity high, first, so you don't get confused or be in danger for this. If you notice the ghost is very shy with little to zero activity when the lights are on (even when you talk to it) try to turn off the lights. If the activity suddenly starts spiking, it's a Mare. If you're in a group, rule out Shade first by having more than one member in the room.

    For Revenants, another test is this if you're in a group: Set up cameras in the building where the ghost is likely to path (very easy on houses) and have a teammate hide somewhere (lockers are best) while someone stays in the truck. When it starts to hunt, monitor the cameras. If it's slower than your typical ghost as it looks for your teammate, congrats, you have a Revenant.

    You can also do this alone but it's more foul play and dangerous… Do the same thing. Except this time, taunt the ghost at the door when your sanity is low enough. Perfect if you have an Ouija Board. Run asap to the truck and watch the camera to see if you catch it.

    Be VERY careful with the cameras though for No Evidence Runs. Remember, ghost pathing. Don't put it anywhere near the room. Big nope. Foyer is usually a good place if that's not its room. Close the ghost room door. If it's a hallway, just make sure the camera is opposite to it.

  11. The latest update fucked up the game… Spirit Box is even buggier, the EMF Reader only works when it wants to, every ghost now teleports and goes through walls and doors and behaves completely randomly – such as a Jinn acting shy and going away when people are together and going through doors… oh and the Ouija board shuts off with correct questions like "Where are you".

  12. Thanks for not including the sound in the clips used for this specific video! xD For the first time I could watch the video in default size instead of the mini view because the footsteps and heartbeats of hunts really get to me LOL

  13. 8:06 I believe that now the Yurei sanity drop bonus only occurs when you are looking at the ghost durring a ghost event and if you are within 10 meters of the ghost durring a hunt. I do not think it has any affect of passive sanity drop outside the ghost room anymore.

  14. I've had quite a few ghosts (only banshee and mares; haven't checked other types yet) step in salt without leaving footprints each time. It may have been a persistent glitch, but currently I believe footprints work best at ruling OUT wraiths rather than definitively proving it is one.


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