Phasmophobia's Funniest Moments with Team Eurogamer Part 4 – DON'T PUT DONUTS ON YOUR BONE

Team Eurogamer are back with more #Phasmophobia highlights from 2021! The best Phasmophobia scary moments from our streams have been rounded up in this easily-digestible video, which is full of our Phasmophobia gameplay with a bunch of yelps on the side as Team Eurogamer did their best not to break their microphones with screams (mostly at Ian, but sometimes at ghosts). #Eurogamer

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22 thoughts on “Phasmophobia's Funniest Moments with Team Eurogamer Part 4 – DON'T PUT DONUTS ON YOUR BONE”

  1. I need a stream where the Oxbox team and EG team switch channels. Get the Oxbox lot to lose the wholesome bend and the EG team to vainly attempt to maintain a sense of family friendliness would possibly the funniest thing ever, and the cries of "IAN-UH" would be unending.

  2. That was pretty damn funny especially all the panic scares caused by Ian goofing around. The whole bit with Zoe's remark about her flesh coloured top and Aoife's reaction was hilarious.

  3. I'm not saying become a Phasmo only stream because that wouldn't make as much money (just barely) but I'm not not saying pretty pretty please get more Phasmo games in to make more of these Presh Mems. 😁

  4. So many highlights. A little less "massive caulk" than expected, but that was still a real riot.

    Once the gang's back in the studio, I hope we'll get treated to a live-action Gremlian bursting out of a cupboard clutching a pair of spray cans.

  5. Amazing video, poor Zoe and Aoife you guys don't get paid nearly enough to put up with Ian, and please never change Ian. I'll never understand why you guys aren't as popular as Outsidexbox


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