drop a sub if you haven’t already
I spent 15 hours editing this so like.. yeah
Ignyte introduced me to Phasmophobia (beginning) and I kind of played it a lot and gathered 75 hours of playtime in the game. Here are the clips that I got, even though they may be laggy. (phasmophobia lags whenever I record it in any way so this is the best that I could do! (it turned out amazing)) Enjoy my adventure through the scariest game I’ve ever played. (I’ve gotten better but it’s still scary lol) Enjoy!! MERRY CHRISTMAS GAMERS!!
discord.gg/cowisbad (https://discord.gg/PTwNbkhZKH)
voidtraitor void ignyteqt ignyte
Comin Round the Mountain – Modern by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Bro I never thought I would die laughing watching a horror game LMAOOOO
i have never played but really enjoyed it, hope the video does well so we can see more content like it
Snowplosion > cow
This is the best LMFAO (You should do more of this, maybe make a second channel to put this on?)
ching billing
I love this! But there is a little to much cutting, I would suggest having a little more raw footage.
yes im level 200 i love this game
400 subs away from yt rank pog
Less than 1k views after 2 hours. SB players disappoint me
Amazing content! Youtube rank soon.
Where are you? “old :D”
shit only 400 subs from yt krank gg
phasmo is one of my favourite games and im so happy you played it, though skyblock players probably wont watch this that much
play with Void as well
Turn off bloom for better performance
also anti-aliasing and ambient occlusion
wait im confused how was he alive he didnt even try to close the doors back?
You deserve yt rank
This video is amazing and scuffed lol
am i the only one who dosen't find this game that scary when i play it? the game that makes me scared is ghost hunter cops
I always see the funny clips from this game but I would shit myself if I played it
Sir do you play destiny 2
333rd like ez
even though it aint skyblock its amazing
dont put jumpscare warnings btw it makes it more fun
I don’t like you
Your channel is so underrated it’s frustrating
I ruined the 69 comments I’m so sorry