you gotta place the cross down before the ghost starts showing up, so at the beginning you gotta place it in a room you think the ghost is going to haunt
Squirrel if you keep pumping out more phasmaphobia, there are some tricks still to discover. Recently, when playing with my group, I discovered that if you think a hunt is soon, and you make it out the house,. If you hold the door open, litrually just hold it open by keeping pressure on the mouse the ghost can close however if you fight it, it won't lock and your team can get out. Anyways enjoyable content. Keep it up nerd 😛
I came for Dashie and cartoonz but I stayed for squirrel 😎👌🐿
all my fav squad youtubers is here XD love it, lets the collabs of this squad coming
Nice video, keep at it!
Just came from the stream, ghost hunting with Dashie? This is gonna be hilarious
Have a good sleep squirrel
I’m so glad you guys are including my guy Dashie 🥺😂
I was sent by present Squirrel to watch past Squirrel play ring around the rosie with the ghost from the twitch stream lolz
any1 know the outro song?
the title is a bit misleading squirrel..cuz actually you were the one whose trying to let it kill the others xD
2:45 I was hoping delirious says, "It was behind you the whole time?."
When the ghost in hunter mode don't talk hide that why 2 are not talking giveing u tip👍
This is my new fave series from you.
Yay! I love this game, I just found your channel yesterday and I’ve been binge watching
ayeee dashie !! glad to see him playing with yall
post more
you gotta place the cross down before the ghost starts showing up, so at the beginning you gotta place it in a room you think the ghost is going to haunt
Squirrel: Can you write in my book.
Dashie: He’s going to write on the book at your funeral. ☠️
I’m dead 😂
The ghost can't kill you if you are in a close room
i remember when you only had 17k subs now you almost have 500k
That ghost was really aggressive. They didn't even say his name that much.
“Weed and pickles” -Luke 2020 ❤️
everything is so clear on desktop compared to vr
Dashie: Is this a timeshare
Ghost: You should be
Dashies on to something here.
Don't mind delirious, he isn't slumped he's just vibing
This is the most epic collab this year all my fav youtubers
"Charles they're in this corner, kill them!!!"
Publicity comment
13:18 dashie lmao 😭😂💀
I've seen Delirious' POV first. Squirrel fast af from running away LMAO
Awesome content! Keep up the good work. If you have a second go have a browse of my page 😎👍
His name is Charles Gosh damn it!
You guys need to play this in VR 😂
Lmao! Cartoonz couldn't get the timing right after like 10 laps around the sofa.
this was hilarious, i can't believe you survived playing chase with that ghost!
4:30 So, is Squirrel lying or did he just forget that he said it within seconds?
Thank you for posting funny videos 😊
Bloody naked ghost
Next time bring dashie on exploration
Oh no its Charles Manson hes trying to think his name is different
Squirrel if you keep pumping out more phasmaphobia, there are some tricks still to discover. Recently, when playing with my group, I discovered that if you think a hunt is soon, and you make it out the house,. If you hold the door open, litrually just hold it open by keeping pressure on the mouse the ghost can close however if you fight it, it won't lock and your team can get out. Anyways enjoyable content. Keep it up nerd 😛
Rest in peace squirrel
i have a stupid crush on squirell >.< i always like hearing him talk, it makes my mood more happy
200th comment 🙂
*someone’s gonna be like WhO tF cArEs!?*