Noticed more unexplained locker deaths in Phasmophobia lately? Well here is why 😉 This should help you to avoid those deaths.
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Did you notice this issue since the Christmas patch?
I died TWICE today behind doors were I had never been killed before, in Tanglewood and Ridgeview. Both cases the ghost started hunting from a place I wasn't close to, and I instantly hid, yet the ghost knew exactly where to find me. A friend confirmed there was 0 wandering for the ghost and it straight up went to me and killed me, despite having just a lighter and a smudge (no camera/flashlight). I thought my mic was making some noise then but my friends said no. I guess your video explains it better…
Nice to know, but I never hide in lockers except the blocked lockers so this wasn't known for me, seems pretty safe for me to hide in the little gap of the blocked lockers anyhow
It happened to my boyfriend the other night. We were playing with friends, and he and our were both hiding in a set of lockers. He was silent and our friend was talking and it bypassed our friend and killed him instead.
I haven't had this particular issue, but I am dying A LOT on the campsite map at the end of the pier behind the chair. Always have been safe before, devs have called it a safe spot, but I watched as a goryo came out of the cabin, long after I smudged him inside and was already hidden there, I watched from behind the chair as he exited the cabin and made a B-line right for me and killed me in proper fashion.
Any idea there?
lockers are too op in phasmo, im glad this exit tbh
Hey Psycho, I think that this issue is more bound to something with the ghost. This happens also in Rooms. For instance on Asylum, Ghost is on the left side in Room 13. Starts hunting, I go down the stairs to room 212 (which is exactly under the ghost room). Around the midd of the stairs I already turned my flashlight off and did not make any noise whatsoever. I hear the ghost roam around for around 30 seconds in the ghost room, then suddenly it rushes out of its room and goes straight for me, through the door like I was having a rave party in the background and the ghost could hear me. EDIT: The one here was a Raiju, on the 21 Dec.
Another scenario. Me and another one of us on willow, ready to loop the ghost around the car in the garage. 2 otheres were hiding at the washing machine in the garage. Ghost starts hunting, gets into the garage, completely ignores us in line of sight, goes around the corners, kills only one of them and goes afterwards for us in the loop. The 2 were hiding in the same spot. And it was a rev, so no banshee stuff going on. EDIT: this one was yesterday the 22. Dec
and many similar encounters
Not sure what triggers it, but I am 100% positive, its not the background noise of the mics or the turning off of electronic devices too late, cause I can also turn of my mic through hardware and run through half of asylum without line of sight with no items turned on or in hand whatsoever, and it still does that randomly
According to Insym, the size of the locker doors was increased to prevent an exploit in maps like Tanglewood where you could open a locker that was perpendicular to a wall to get a larger hiding spot than was intended which the ghost won't be able to pathfind to, but with this change it can recognize this and be able to find the player. Being able to find people using them properly is probably an unintended effect, but at least it's something we can play around. It is really frustrating when you don't know about it, but I think it adds to the experience since you need to plan your hiding spots in advance in addition to the steps you would take to evade a hunt normally and start stealthing sooner, which makes hunts slightly more dangerous and scary.
Hot take – they should keep this in the game if you dont break line of sight immediately before hiding.
But other wise fix it
Haven't had this problem at all. Doesn't seem to affect everyone by the looks of it but must be shitty for those experiencing this issue. The last time I remember something similar like this happening was after the Exposition update when the ghost magically knew where you were, due to the audio/chat system changes.
Thank you so much. It is so frustrating dying out of nowhere when I should have been absolutely safe. I knew there was something up, but I couldn't make it out. Very frustrating, and I hope it's a bug. Yeah, it makes the gameplay more dangerous, but it's frustrating as fuck.
That explains the sudden influx of deaths and the arguments about equipment being on etc with friends. Hope the devs fix this issue…
I haven't died in a closet or a locker for some reason. But I had this happen to me: I was playing Tanglewood (solo) and I think it was Nightmare mode. I hid in the closet in the bedroom during a hunt and the ghost found me. It opened both of the doors but somehow it couldn't kill me. It was the Naked Ghost Model. It just walked at me. I was in the left side of the closet. I didn't do any testing though
The game has become so unbearably difficult now for new players because the devs keep catering to streamers who no-life the game. I got back into the game recently from a long hiatus and instantly jumped into random lobbies only to find people dying left and right because the ghosts basically have wall hacks now, and finding evidence easily takes 3x longer to find than before because ghosts are so reluctant to actually show anything.
This doesn't even begin to delve into all of the hidden mechanics that the devs have outright failed to teach new players. Unless you read every single minor patch note / change, you won't know how to do half the things required to stay alive in the current patch. Again – devs catering to streamers who keep crying that the game is too easy, and now the game is rediculously hard for anyone who either hasn't played in a long time or who just installed the game for the first time recently.
I've only hidden in a closet once and it's risky anyways unless you're holding the door closed. Besides that I've always hidden behind doors. Easy peazy
this actually happened to me yesterday, i was doing a quick 10 minute cash grab on tanglewood using the summoning circle as a ghost photo opportunity. Not once did the ghost make line of site of me after the summon and i smudged the hall before my locker spot. After one close call the ghost insta killed me even though my mic was off, electronics off and my flashlight was on the foor by the door so i would have room for everything
I have seen video of the ghosts throwing open doors without even targeting you from more than a meter away. So the actual bug isn't it finding you in the locker/closet but something to do with the doors themselves being bugged from what I've seen at least,
Mele Kalikimaka a Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou, @psycho! (Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year!)
While it's important they fix this, I think it's more important that you take that hat off.
I was killed in a closet on edgefield. The ghost started a cursed hunt (Voodoo Doll) in the basement and wandered upstairs. Once it passed the closet I was in, it killed me.
I just stopped going into that locker and the one in the foyer. No matter what I do it has a chance to kill you. Sometimes even when I walk into the boys locker when it’s no where near me it will forcefully open the door even when the ghost is nowhere near it like in the kitchen. I find the best hiding spot is behind the car because you can easily keep yourself out of sight and if it does decide to go back there just hug around the car and it will give up. However even if It does see you somehow you have an exit loop to the kitchen