WorstPremadeEver Live! #990 – Phasmophobia (WPE 2024 Charity Stream)

Thanks so much for helping us raise £33,632.69 (nice) for MindUK

Huge thanks to @IAmCrusty for joining us on this stream!

You’re watching an unedited live stream from Worst Premade Ever! Be sure to head over to the main channel to see the good stuff @WorstPremadeEver

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I heard you like live streams..

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7 thoughts on “WorstPremadeEver Live! #990 – Phasmophobia (WPE 2024 Charity Stream)”

  1. I'm glad the charity stream is getting uploaded. 🙂 I watched as much as I could live, but missed the last two hours, so I'm waiting for those (patiently. I know their time will come). And for some things that happened earlier, too. I will be happy to rewatch 🙂 That was such a good event 🙂
    (I wonder if it's possible to show Alex falling off his chair as Jake had his eyebrows waxed and shaved and we couldn't see the rest of the crew cameras… I know these aren't edited, but maybe? Pretty please? 🙂 )


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