You Decide: Troll Edition | Ep. 29 Phasmophobia

Hey friendos, let’s play some Phasmophobia. In today’s video, we play our typical You Decide style…but I change some settings to make it more difficult to identify the ghost. Enjoy!

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:

My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:

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#phasmophobia #maggstor


23 thoughts on “You Decide: Troll Edition | Ep. 29 Phasmophobia”

  1. For 1 – Thought it was a Myling, it sounded quiet for some reason
    2 – Raiju Thought you had turned the speed down, and it was just speeding up in the kitchen
    3- Shade! It took waaaaaay too long to hunt

    This was fun!! Thank you so much!

    Edit: I forgot I had a question. For the second ghost (Raiju) it hunted at 1:28 the first time. Should you give leeway when testing for a demon? Or is this just unusual? Thanks! <3

  2. Ahh yay a troll video! I’ve been excited for this ever since I commented about it, and it’s here! I loved this very much, and I can proudly say I got all three ghosts…

    wrong. 😅 But that is the fun of this! For the sake of pride, I’m blaming my mistakes on the changed ghost speeds—but I must admit, the dots in the kitchen for the Hantu totally fooled me.

    Lovely video as always! I’m always most excited when I see a Maggstor video in my YouTube recommendations.

  3. i genuinely didn't know what was happening in any of those runs, except hantu's, which i thought was a raiju that changed ghost room to living room, i mean there was electronics on the kitchen almost the entire time so of course it would be faster there, but i guess i didn't pay enough attention to you turning the flashlight on and off at the beginning.
    for me, even if you did say what the ghost speed was in each run, i would still be confuse.

  4. Wow! This was really fun to try and investigate with you. I had no clue with the first ghost, but was really close with the last two. But you managed to fool me quite a few times hehe
    Would love to see this format return in the future :3

  5. 1. I was stuck between Banshee, Yurei, and Goryo
    2. Totally thought Raiju, I've been bamboozled by the dots
    3. Shade! Especially after it had to walk away from you to hunt after that airball event.

  6. Man, you tricked my with that second one!! You had me thinking it was a Raiju 😭😭! This is a really fun way to do the you decides. I really hope you do more of these in the future. Such a great and fun video 🙂

  7. I'm curious: what do you think of the devs adding the ability to select which type of ghost you will get for custom matches? Obviously, the rewards will be set to 0 but it could be useful for getting game footage and/or testing with different modifiers

  8. Damn.. for me all three was correct XD, but for the second game i was a little confused between huntu and raiju and with the last hunt I finally figured out it's a huntu 😆

  9. I got em all right!!

    i was torn between goryo and myling on the first one because of the dots being too loud to hear footsteps properly but one sneaky footstep before it started flickering got me to pick goryo! i recognised that normal 125 speed xD i play on 125 a lot lately to get used to it (especially after that moroi we had 😒)
    Second i guessed Hantu cuz i was torn between raiju and hantu but the fact it didn't speed up in the garage when u were away from its room gave it away for me 🙂
    and i got shade correct cuz it waited to hunt till right after u got up into the hallway instead of it's room and spirits while they wait 3 minutes tend to literally harass you like crazy between eventing and throwing shit and just being an absolute pain- shades just sit there like "excuse me could you leave so i can kill you please" so polite xD


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